Always thought she was the hottest. She got a phatty too. Can't remember where I seen it tho.
Kristin Davis. You should of saw her on Melrose Place. ..she was COLD. Her ass game was money in the bank.
oh i remember those days vividly, bruh
I burned Season 3 and 4 on DVD She was also in some stupid movie called Blacktop with Meatloaf in 2000. She looked so fukking delicious....i got it from and used DVDFAB to copy it.
act like kim cattrell never existed breh.
anyway,...sarah jessica parker is one of the fugliest bytches ever, along with jennifer anniston.
i can't watch sex in the city at all, and if tortured to watch it for some reason.
kim catrell is the only attractive and real reason to ever have to be tortured watching that bullshyt.
sex in the city is golddigger propaganda.
for ugly lame hoes, with no game.
who have that one fiyoine friend like kim cattrell with game.
fukk that show, and the entire cast except for kim.
art barr
This!Kristin Davis. You should of saw her on Melrose Place. ..she was COLD. Her ass game was money in the bank.
kim cattrall is bad but i think kristin davis is sexier
but jennifer aniston, ugly? really?
if she was so dope, brad and Vince Vaughn would have not run of so fast as soon as a better deal came along.
the bytch is fugly and wack, breh.
I don't like white women like that at all.
yet, I can admit when one is gorgeous and jenn Ann is not one of those in the gorgeous bin at all.
Kim cattrell, and Angelina are fiyoine like that.
Jennifer Anniston is just some broad, breh.
Art Barr
Its so all the busted lookin broads watching at home can have a heroine to live vicariously through while they plow though a tub of Ben and Jerry's
this broad was the baddest by far; i been wantin' to smash since i first saw her on that episode of seinfield where she played the woman who he was talkin' too who's toothbrush fell in the tiolet