Richard Wright
Living Legend
I agree100%.
However they do claim that. Look at most of the major donors to Republican campaigns(super PACS) during election time. Why do you think most of these corporations are sitting on billions of dollars not hiring? Because their Republican friends told them to go on vacation until the Obama term is over.
This economy is going down the toilet simply because the Republicans don't like the fact Obama is in office. once bama's presidency is over and the Republicans get in office you will see a total shift and lots of money being freed up.
Because most of the people who run national & multinational corporations are republicans.
But back to manufacturing. The wealth in this country is mainly controlled by ppl who are conservative or republican. The vast majority of conservatives preach how patriotic they are but when it comes to putting the words to action its a different story.
Judge men by their actions, not their words. I agree with you to an extent, but if people think there is money to be made they will make it. And wall street and silicon valley supported Obama financially more than anyone.
The economy is relatively healthy. Automation is not going away. After everyone got layed off in the recerssion the remaining workers picked up productivity without them, only to see their wages cut as well. We need to improve our infrastructure and tap into natural gas more(fracking