Why the Republicans just don't get it (Minimum Wage)


Apr 30, 2012
I made this thread because I don't want the overall message to be lost with Bill Maher and his comedic undertone. He made some very good points in that bit that was posted in that other thread about minimum wage and I will further expound on that very idea that he had going. Someone kept asking me to go ahead and "share my thoughts" in that Bill Maher thread so here it is.

So here is the deal, McDonald's and Wal-Mart are underpaying their employees and that is no secret. We can debate as to how much the employees SHOULD be getting paid until we all pass out, but that's not really the issue here.

In business there is a simple goal that ALL companies want to achieve...reduce costs as much as possible. Makes sense right? Sure it does, but the way it is being done today is extreme and not enough people are blasting it.

Wal-Mart and McDonald's are probably the 2 most influential retail spots in the world and the impact that they have on the economy stretches far beyond what a basic person's understanding of what economics are. Bill Maher and a few others have touched up on it and the simple fact is that in essence what Wal-Mart and McDonald's have done is that they have found a way to recoup some of their loss on what they pay their employees.

So for example let's say that the employees at McDonald's eat at McDonald's 3x a week average and on average McDonald's makes a clean $2 profit off each combo meal...that's $6 per worker per week. McDonald's has over 500,000 workers in the United States alone, so theoretically that's an extra 3 million per week or 156 million per year. Essentially McDonald's has figured out a way to earn a return on their biggest expense - the employees. I am just throwing numbers out there, but best believe it factors into the masterminds at the top of the company's master plan. McDonald's workers don't earn much money to have any if at all expendable income which clearly hurts the economy, but doesn't affect McDonald's because they are in a position to offer floor level burgers for $1 a piece. Same goes for Wendy's, Burger King, Hardees etc.

So let's all think like a minimum wage employee would think. You have $20 of expendable income from this last check and all your bills are paid, food is in the fridge, but want to buy some food outside on the weekends to relax after your long week at Mickey D's. What food industry can you really shop at for 3 days worth of cooked food? That's right, fast food joints...they can't lose since they are all competing for that same dollar that the majority of the U.S. has to work hard for. It has become a situation in where you work hard at your job...to shop at your job. In turn this not only hurts the U.S. economy because you have full time workers

Wal-Mart is even WORSE because they sell EVERYTHING generally lower than what other retailers can offer and have the perfect setup in where they have that combination of "competitive" wages plus offer everything one could ever need for their home. Why would someone getting paid shyt @ walmart shop anywhere else? Pride? Throw that out because at the end of the day its all about the numbers, screw quality...BUY CHEAP!

Before the handful out there dismiss this as some sort of liberal rhetoric, understand that I view all politicians the same. They are all businessmen in my eyes.

My solution? Increase wages at the rate of inflation, its the only sensible way to fix this mess that has been created in the first place. The country NEEDS workers with expendable income...want to complain? Fine, GTFOH and have your business somewhere else in the world so that those WITH THE NOW EXPENDABLE INCOME can start new ventures. I feel like I am talking to high school students that don't understand basic principles :snoop:


Apr 30, 2012
On second thought, maybe they DO GET IT and are just afraid of losing that power. It's the people who VOTE republican blindly that don't get it.

Don't underestimate the greed of the top...there is no such thing as "enough" to them.


Apr 30, 2012
I'm with you as far as recouping the minimal losses they receive, but I don't think it's some grand trap to force their workers to eat and purchase food there. That is a symptom of the fact that people with low-incomes shop there more often than anyone else and people working at fast food places tend to be low-income. None of this justifies paying people minimum wages, but I think the entrapment theory is a bit far-fetched. They don't need any of that to justify (in their minds) paying individuals low wages.


Apr 30, 2012
I'm with you as far as recouping the minimal losses they receive, but I don't think it's some grand trap to force their workers to eat and purchase food there. That is a symptom of the fact that people with low-incomes shop there more often than anyone else and people working at fast food places tend to be low-income. None of this justifies paying people minimum wages, but I think the entrapment theory is a bit far-fetched. They don't need any of that to justify (in their minds) paying individuals low wages.
Maybe not with McDonald's, but I still think its a nice little benefit that I am sure the company is aware of.

I do think it's a part of Walmart's strategy though...why wouldn't it be? Employees are customers too...and they have many of them.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
On second thought, maybe they DO GET IT and are just afraid of losing that power. It's the people who VOTE republican blindly that don't get it.

Don't underestimate the greed of the top...there is no such thing as "enough" to them.

what are democrats doing exactly to alleviate the situation besides a bunch of empty talk from Obama and warren?


Apr 30, 2012
what are democrats doing exactly to alleviate the situation besides a bunch of empty talk from Obama and warren?
They proposed an increased which Republicans said has no chance of getting through the house and even that is very modest. It says a lot when raising minimum wage to just 9 dollars is a non-starter.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
wal mart just claims their margins are too small.

go support costco
which is complete and utter horse shyt
they are profitable beyond measure...well not exactly beyond measure because they can and do measure it.

I've said it time and again and @Liquid hit the nail on the head.
It's the job of a company to make as much $$$ as they can, any company not doing that is doomed to fail. Walmart does this very well. They are good at the game. If they could they'd be forcing people to work for $4 an hour how do i know this? Because they pay less to chinese worker BECAUSE THEY CAN.
including Wal-Mart, Disney and Dell, were accused of unfair labor practices, including using child labor, forcing employees to work 16-hour days on fast-moving assembly lines, and paying workers less than minimum wage. (Minimum wage in this part of China is about 55 cents an hour.)
And why shouldn't the? They can get away with it right? Their goal is to make money right? Right.

This is were government steps in by way of minimum wage and IMHO CEO Pay caps and or sliding tax brackets. Walmart can damn sure afford to pay more to its employees it just doesn't because it doesn't have to and because the people making the real money at walmart want to continue to do so.

The extending problem is that once someone starts making money they try to protect that money, often to the detriment of their own country. This is what's going on now. Corporatism is in full fukin swing and is doing EVERYTHING it can to keep things as they are, or even worse make it so that they can squeeze even more money out of the game. I'm sorry but you could fire every CEO in the country TODAY and they would still be set for life. So the whole purpose of them "making money" is simply to make money. So before you come at me with "well CEO's wouldn't make jobs if they didn't get paid so much..." that's complete horse shyt too. People who run companies would not just up and quite. You telling me if you told ALL CEO's today that their pay would get taxed at 50% and they coulnd't give themselves raises that they'd all quite? GTFOH they wouldn't quite because they're still making money had over fist.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012

which is complete and utter horse shyt
they are profitable beyond measure...well not exactly beyond measure because they can and do measure it.

I've said it time and again and @Liquid hit the nail on the head.
It's the job of a company to make as much $$$ as they can, any company not doing that is doomed to fail. Walmart does this very well. They are good at the game. If they could they'd be forcing people to work for $4 an hour how do i know this? Because they pay less to chinese worker BECAUSE THEY CAN.
And why shouldn't the? They can get away with it right? Their goal is to make money right? Right.

This is were government steps in by way of minimum wage and IMHO CEO Pay caps and or sliding tax brackets. Walmart can damn sure afford to pay more to its employees it just doesn't because it doesn't have to and because the people making the real money at walmart want to continue to do so.

The extending problem is that once someone starts making money they try to protect that money, often to the detriment of their own country. This is what's going on now. Corporatism is in full fukin swing and is doing EVERYTHING it can to keep things as they are, or even worse make it so that they can squeeze even more money out of the game. I'm sorry but you could fire every CEO in the country TODAY and they would still be set for life. So the whole purpose of them "making money" is simply to make money. So before you come at me with "well CEO's wouldn't make jobs if they didn't get paid so much..." that's complete horse shyt too. People who run companies would not just up and quite. You telling me if you told ALL CEO's today that their pay would get taxed at 50% and they coulnd't give themselves raises that they'd all quite? GTFOH they wouldn't quite because they're still making money had over fist.

You could also fire the CEOs and every company would function just fine


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
Not a damn thing

They are all businessmen
You have to look at this too.

From the government perspective huge profits create inefficiencies in society

A companies biggest expense is usually labor and if you are making the profits MCD and walmart are making then you have to be underpaying your workforce

It's the reason why profits are taxed in the 1st place.