Why the Democrats never get anything done.


Jul 25, 2018
If you watched the video, you'd know that election time is our only window to be heard. Before or after, the only people they listening to is lobbyists.

:mjlol: An actual clown and yall be dapping this shyt. :mjlol:

Sure...let me be more clear. This thread and OPs agenda is pushing dont vote both sides agenda we see here all the time. Not the video or the content creator, who I respect tremendously.

For example. At no point in the video did he even insinuate anything about using election time to change anything. You made that up trying to mislead and push fascist Republican Party-adjacent agendas of convincing working people to sit out of elections over some national identity movement so that white people get to decide our government.

He also never at any point says that electing Democrats to office is the reason our system is corrupt and limits our ability to get radical progressive policy done. That is neither here nor there to the issue. He makes it VERY clear that it is a system fueled by economic competition--capitalism--and corrupted by the openly-pro business Republicans, superPACS, big money donors, and corporations, will inherently limit radical leftist policy and enable centrism on things that need to get done. This isn't the fault of "voting Democrat over and over" or not "demanding what we want," it is the fault of our inherent system.

As he says himself, Democrats--any liberal party in America--will always have a more complicated job than the openly pro-corporate Republicans of balancing both liberal agendas-such as reparations exclusively from people descended from slavery-and raising money to stay competitive. And the only thing that will change that system isn't starving out the liberal party that we do have to at least get some things progressively done for the working class. It would be a mass people's revolution against an entire capitalist society that inherently, divide workers, and works against radical change; and would give rise to a new system that keeps big money out of politics and government. That system and that revolution being socialism, comrade.

Not only do I find it an excellent, insightful video, it PEFECTLY articulates everything we've been trying to explain to the FBA crowd and why people like Tariq Nasheed are clueless idiot scammers. We are navigating a system that completely obstructs reparations or "a black agenda" from ever being possible. Certainly if blacks don't vote and help lead America down a path into a right-wing, authoritarian fascism under a perpetually Republican-lead fascist government and its judicial appointments.

I think you agree with much of the video. And so I gotta ask you, do you identify as a socialist? I ask the same to OP. Because if you do, great! Now we can have a good faith critique of the Democrat party and its participation in the capitalist system, and what we can do to push the party, our society, and our government further left and towards socialism, as was aimed here.

But I don't trust you or OP to have a good faith discussion. I don't believe you identify as a liberal, a leftist, and certainly not a socialist. Because no true socialist would see suppressing left wing voters during elections-as flawed as the only viable option may currently be-as a smart idea. A socialist wouldn't view excluding gay people from society or opposing civil rights of ANY kind as something even remotely god for society. And NO true socialist would EVER spit all that "ADOS" "FBA" "black American "nationalist" garbage, or the rabid hatred towards the pesky "non-FBA" immigrants "tekin jerbs frum black amuricuns" or any of that cac inspired simple minded, digestible shyt y'all eat up from Tariq Nasheed, Yvette Carnell militant roleplay acts.

Because any true socialist would know that we are all citizens and workers of the WORLD. That the working class and the working man is all of the damn planet producing for the good of society and each other, not power, national identity, or money. Any true socialist would be disgusted by any anti-immigrant fervor because they would know "borders" "immigrants" "illegal immigrants" "nationalities" "reparations" "American descendant of slavery" are all exploitative constructs of a capitalist system meant to sow division among working people, utilize these "borders" to safely exploit people, and keep us from becoming an ultimately equal and greater society, free of that exploitation. One where you wouldn't even need to worry about any concept of reparations nor "immigrants taking jobs."

In other words you'd be far more than a "liberal" or certainly a "Democrat." You'd be a bleeding heart, open borders, international unity, socialist, sister.
But I don't think that's what you about "socially," or politically. I think you're a pro-Trump conservative that's confused about what being pro-black truly and ultimately means. You don't even believe in an international black community, where at least black people have liberate themselves from a white supremacist capitalist society and work to topple it down and have equality. You just want your own exclusive label, place and cut of this system you claim to be privy to but will ultimately, with or without reparations, never work out in the long term for black people or any "minorities." And OP only posted this video to push his own right wing narratives and agendas.

I think you liked the video, but you didnt see the picture here. Or maybe we agree with each other and don't know it. But I guess that's for you to tell. Honestly, Im writing for myself and anyone else reading this post at this point. But I mean this with respect to you and your views.

But I do sincerely hope if anything you might consider the TRUE evolution of our ancestors political thought.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Zero clicks.


EDIT: I actually fukks with Second Thought, so I'll give it a listen when I have time.

This is still an opp-ass thread, though. OP, @ORDER_66 , and @HarlemHottie all in here popping ass because someone mentioned Democrats. :mjlol:


Jun 1, 2012

The Democrats aren't perfect. But the timing of this thread is bad or suspicious at best.

This is like when Pete Rose was at the all star game in 1999 and Jim Gray's stupid ass decides that's the moment and platform to ask him about gambling on baseball. Sure. It's a fair question. But maybe not when everyone is trying to fukkin honor the All Stars and Ted Williams.

And, the Democrats never get things done?
I reject that premise on its face as being fukkin preposterous.
The video just came out. When should op post it? November 6th?:mjlol:


Jun 12, 2014

Dems have gotten a lot done actually despite obstruction from Republicans in Congress amd their judicial foot soldiers, the supreme Court, you trump loving nincompoop

Infrastructure bill = done
Capping insulin prices = done
Inflation reduction act= done
Unemployment rate is at an historic low
Chips and science act= done
Expanding healthcare for Veterans affairs
Protecting Obama care

Student loan forgiveness would have happened too if not for the supreme Court

Now crawl back into your maga dungeon:camby: and tell Jason Miller he's still rapist and a fakkit


Jun 1, 2012
11 days ago just came out?
Dude your milk is already bad in that time.

You must be talking about cow's milk:scust: Almond milk lasts for weeks:wow:

And yes 11 days is "just came out" especially in terms of relevance and especially considering the fact that nikkas are gaslighting with the "this ain't the time" shyt

There's never a good time to criticize or comment on what Democrats do or don't do.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Student loan forgiveness would have happened too if not for the supreme Court

Just got an email update that they're trying it again a different way sometime this fall. #tangibles :banderas:

I wasn't paying them shïts noways :mjlol:

EDIT: Federal Student Loan Debt Relief

Basically, if you have Federal student loans that are in repayment (i.e. you're out of school and beyond the 6-month grace period) you may be eligible to have up to $20,000 of student loan debt forgiven.
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