Why the Democrats never get anything done.

Problematic Pat

Dec 27, 2017


Roger king

May 24, 2022
another right wing propaganda thread to prop up trump and the republicans and reduce black voting numbers. Your both sides bullshyt doesn't work anymore. People see what type of racist bigot and the type of degenerate racists trump appoint as judges to the federal bench. We can't afford this dangerous games.


Aug 6, 2012
:russ: you know they the partisans democrats supports are not going to watch that vid.
In this section of the YouTube video titled "Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done," the speaker discusses President Biden's broken promises during his first term and the excuses given for their non-delivery. Despite having control of the presidency, the Senate, and the House in 2021, Biden and the Democrats failed to deliver on progressive promises, such as a $15 minimum wage, enshrining the federal right to abortion, and canceling student debt. The speaker argues that this pattern is not new and has been happening for a long time, with familiar excuses given when progressive bills die in the Senate. The speaker also mentions Joe Lieberman as an example of a Democratic senator who blocked the inclusion of a public option in Obamacare, ultimately leading to the passage of the ACA without it. Despite having the power to pass legislation through reconciliation, the Democrats did not use this option to include the public option, resulting in disappointment and frustration among progressive voters.
the speaker discusses the role of lobbying in obstructing center-left policies within the Democratic party. The speaker provides examples of senators like Joe Lieberman and Joe Manchin, who have received significant campaign donations and lobbying money from industries that would benefit from their obstruction. The speaker also mentions the revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms, where retired lawmakers can influence federal policy for significant salaries. The speaker argues that the possibility of cashing out by staying cozy with corporate lobbyists matters to conservative Democrats, as seen in the case of Joe Lieberman's group No Labels, which receives funding from Republican donors to elect centrists and act as spoilers for the Democrats.
the speaker discusses how lobbying and constituency aren't the only reasons for Democratic obstructionists. Sheldon Wolin's perspective in "Democracy, Inc" is cited, explaining that gridlock in Congress prevents majority rule and benefits powerful groups, including corporations. The Democrats, who claim to represent the interests of the majority, need to remain competitive by catering to corporate interests while also appearing progressive. As a result, they require politicians who can profess progressiveness without delivering on it. This circular strategy allows the Democrats to win elections through mobilizing voters with progressive rhetoric and then maintain power.
the speaker discusses how the Democratic Party's focus on elections and lobbying after elections leads to a demobilized citizenry and a system of "managed democracy" that empowers a corporate minority. The speaker argues that winning for the Democrats doesn't mean getting enough seats to do whatever they want but rather getting just enough seats to do the bare minimum and keep voters coming back without seriously upsetting corporate backers. The speaker also discusses how the Democratic leadership is involved in sidelining progressives and keeping their numbers to a minimum while throwing their support behind centrists. The speaker provides examples of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee working against progressive incumbents and the House Democratic Leadership Super PAC donating to lobbyist-run centrist groups and obstructionists. The speaker concludes that the rotating villain trope shows that any Democrat can take on the role of an obstructionist and that the Democrats will never be a force for radical change in the country.
Oct 22, 2017
Yall don’t be reading or watching a cotdamn thing. SecondThought is liberal as hell, no way in hell is this right wing propaganda. He rightfully exposed the game democrats play, the democrats are not above constructive criticism.

i don’t care how liberal he is.

now is not the time to make any content that questions the motives of the democratic party.

the level of optimism among the people is infectious, and videos like this only serve to damper that enthusiasm.

kamala went against much of the establishment and donors in her selection of walz, and the response from the electorate is unlike any we’ve seen since obama’s historic debut run.

right now, as a cornered trump sees the walls closing in on him, the focus should be on keeping this momentum up to election night.
