Why should free speech be limited?

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
No one outside of the Westboro Baptist Church actually likes what they're doing. they're actually their own worst enemy, all the hate filled rhetoric they spew turns people off to their church.

That's why I like free speech, at least you usually know where people stand. and it makes it easier to spot the idiots. look at twitter :snoop:

this idea of regulating speech is so outrageous to me idk, im not a fan of facism.

I see your point, and probably used to agree with you, but to protect some speech would cause us to ignore human nature and the fact that some words are going to incite violence. If we protect such speech then we should also protect the repercussions, as "speech" isnt necessarily only words, it can be actions too... My rebuttal to some free speech may be five fingered. Its easy to see how a situation can deteriorate from there.