BrehNo agenda folks. Nothing to see here. This “agenda” is all in our heads.

BrehNo agenda folks. Nothing to see here. This “agenda” is all in our heads.
White men choose
And let’s be real they ain’t choosing black women
Based on those surveys y’all talk about, brehettes want Brehs more than anyone else. Nonbm don’t show a particularly high preference for brehettes either but it’s mutual. Brehs are also rated low too, by everyone but brehettes. And it doesn’t stop Brehs from dating out even when other women prefer other men over Brehs:If I'm not mistaken, dating surveys universally place black women at the bottom and least desirable of all women when it comes to white men's preferences. I don't have a problem with IR, but these articles lack self awareness. They don't want you sis.![]()
They used this same tactic with Aboriginals in Australia too. Native Americans to a lesser extent since disease pretty much decimated them but you’re right.
Dilute their genes, next thing you know, they have $5 Indians with CACs becoming the face of their tribes.
Same thing is happening in Africa with the Chinese. These mix breeds become a buffer class and get put into power to subjugate the black population.
If I’m wrong, look at the politicians in every Carribean country. Ask why most of them are damn near white or mixed when you look at the very top. Is it a coincidence their middle/upper class look like Sean Paul 9/10?
I nearly made a thread based on this but I realized that the sensitive folk on here would bush it quick, even though I had the evidence to back my statement.
I remember his book from many years back. I couldn't believe it was a whole BM, but then I watched him speak at a conference. Yep. He truly believes in it. He's definitely done his research on the subject.
Funny enough, I've known a few BW throughout my life who were comfortable enough to tell me their pops didn't want them dating or marrying BM. Straight up convinced them that they could only find love in the arms of another man. These women weren't mixed. Both parents were Black. They believed BM didn't measure up.
Best believe that a lot more of these men exist than you think. A lot of them are great how they feel about other BM.
Who do you think brainwashed him and cut his nuts off?A black man with a black wife wrote this article
Shoulda came up with a better title![]()
I forgot to put thatBased on those surveys y’all talk about, brehettes want Brehs more than anyone else.
It's the Post since when to they big up Liberal ass women in general?It’s the post, I wouldn’t expect nothing else. Can’t wait till the times shared their rendering. BTW this is deplorable.
Low key kamala doesn't consider herself a Black woman.I don't consider Kamala Harris a black woman.
Had it on a silver platter
Far as this thread,yall wanna learn the hard way. All these years and yall still dont understand the end game of assimilation. "Black people" in this country will be mulattos and octoroons soon sadly.
Black people so scared to leave this country and rebuild.Fearful they will be a small group in another country. Well guess what? If you keep your family in america,your going to be a small group in America too. Most of yout grandchildren going to be on the Logic side of the spectrum.
Heads of Government
Marry whoever makes you happy. Odd are these women who can’t land and keep a black man won’t be able to keep a white one either.![]()