Damn. This was sad and weird at the damn same time..
This is the perverbial look in the crystal ball for America, and the West at large.
Mega-corporations are the de-facto ruling party of the country. Wages have stagnated and people are working longer hours.
People don't have time to date, in addition to not having a 3rd place to congregate. Nightclubs are basically dying, and require a good chunk of change to have a good time.
Dating apps exist to frustrate users and separate them from their money.
Male/female social dynamics are in flux, as women gain earning power and men fall to the wayside. People dont have money to buy a house, never mind have children. Even if one has children, both parents need to be working to support the family. Internet personalities like Andrew Tate further exacerbate intergender relations with their rhetoric.
We'll be seeing more of this. Herbivore men buying affection through OF, and women like the ones in the posted video doing the same whenever dudes open a similar business lane here in the states.