Yeah, the Hulk joints were cool, but other than that nothing really memorable. I think
@MartyMcFly hit it the head. They need to start telling more of their iconic stories through the animated universe. I don't know if it's neccessarily the case, but I feel like the success of the CU is kind of holding back AU. It's like they don't want to use some of their bigger arcs because they want to save them for the movies, or they don't want to give characters they no longer have the cinematic rights to any shine cause it's free pub for the other studios. Age of apocalypse, some Spirits of Vengeance stories, Secret invasion are the type of stories that would probably translate well through animation. Hell, The Incredibles told a much better fantastic 4 story than any of the movies did. The whole thing with the Inhumans I think would go over better animated, with how fantastical some of their powers are tbh. They're are plenty of good stories to be told but it seems the Marvel animated universe is kind of an afterthought.