The people who fight for a living tend to be people who never did make much of an effort to develop their mind. They developed their body.
As such, you won't find many critical thinkers in that area. Add to that a steady dose of hits to the head, and they're already at risk for brain injury, which affects critical thinking even more.
Is every MMA fighter a conservative meathead moron? Of course not. But on average they're not Norm Chomsky, either.
It's not hard to see how they'd gravitate toward a charlatan who projects a phony image of strength. Many of them have been doing it their entire lives.
If you had any critical thinking skills, you'd know that just because you lost, doesn't mean you never had a chance.I guess critical thinking led to a 1st world country letting it's border being overrun.
Critical thinking such as what you are doing also let you believe that Kamala had a chance of winning, yet she lost by a landslide.
If you had any critical thinking skills, you'd know that just because you lost, doesn't mean you never had a chance.
Critical thinking is telling me that you don't post anything worth reading, and adding you to the ignore list makes it easier to sift through interesting comments.