I honestly love chivalry. I feel like opening my car door (esp as we are both walking to the car) is bare freaking minimum (my Daddy has been doing that for me my entire life, why would I expect less from someone who wants to be the man in my life). I also like small gestures like flowers, sweet notes/cards, or little gifts based on things that you've heard me say I like (such as a bottle of wine, etc). I want to actually be dated (I am not about to go out of my way for someone who's sole purpose is to have sex with me). I don't like game playing, flakiness/inconsistency (if you like me you like me, if you don't just let me know). I just want to see effort and gentlemanly behavior.
Nothing that I like or want is unreasonable for how thoughtful I am to people I like. Example, a couple of weeks ago, I went to visit the guy that I am dating. The day before I drove up, I took the time to cook a meal big enough (baked chiken, mac, collard greens, candied yams, and cornbread) to feed us both that night and him for a couple more days (saving him money because he is living off of student loans). I do those types of things all the time (not because I am trying to win points...it's just who I am).
I just feel that if a guy can't do the bare minimum, I don't need to date him because I will end up doing too much.