Alot of problems would be non-existent within society if women were responsible & strategic with their sexual endeavors.
Do you disagree with my statement that women should be responsible & strategic when it comes to the men they decide to sleep with?
Not sure what your issue is.
Having abortions is both responsible ( not bringing in a child they are unwilling/to take care of) as well as strategic (stats say most women who had abortions end up having children anyway usually when they are more stable)
Putting restrictions on things like abortions and contraceptives gives women less strategies to work with.
If you think making access to those things harder is gonna make certain women straighten up and fly right well that's naive. Certain women are gonna be popping out babies and dropping em off at granny house every weekend to party as always.
And your statement doesn't contradict nor disprove anything I'm saying. Saying the same incorrect thing in bold doesn't make it more correct.
As for as your "most problems in society would be non-existent" remark. Which ones do you mean? Because Black people were better off when those among us who were willing or able to care for kids could hit the reset button.