- Outside of being a beast in the ring, dude was humble AF
- Family man<<<<scandal filled scumbag sports figures
- Not enough controversy from George
The only way a Foreman movie would work is if it focuses on his comeback trail to being the oldest boxing champion of the time. The movie could focus on his previous fights of the past with the Rumble in the Jungle being the fight that really gave him a humble spirit.
Now that shyt would be
Now a full blown flick ala Ali, hell nah

. Dude too safe to waste two hours for a basic biography story.
Now the actor that could play George could be a tough one

. Ving Rhames is too damn old and Michael B Jordan has been done

. How about we go a different approach...throw the bag at Keith Lee since he personifies Foreman in his prime
All I know is that the soundtrack would be fukking flames

. The title of the movie could be called
Back in the Jungle