Neo. The Only. The One.
Jamie foxx is about to play Tyson.
They should make a Foreman movie starring Wood Harris
They should make a Foreman movie starring Wood Harris
Thought you was talking about a construction worker
Thought you was talking about a construction worker
cause everything before the grill would be boring af
not enough fukkery in his life which would translate to the big screen, although the comback win is 10x greater than anything Tyson done.
Nah, he had a really wild and unusual life. Early on he was in the Fifth Ward Houston streets mugging people before going in the job corps. He was only boxing for about a year before he won a Gold Medal in the 1968 Olympics.
He was an underdog when he beat Joe Frazier for the HW title and then lost to Muhammad Ali in Zaire and sunk into a major depression. He also found out that the guy whom he thought all his life was his father actually wasn’t his biological father. That’s apparently the reason he names so many of his kids George, so they know who their father is.
After losing to Jimmy Young in Puerto Rico (he almost died of heat exhaustion and was delirious in the locker room), he became a preacher and didn’t box for 10 years. His ex-wife has a couple of their kids with her in St. Lucia. He went there and basically kidnapped his kids back with him to the US, escaping on a boat with Rastafarian drug dealers.
His youth center was running out of funds, so he returned to boxing after 10 years and eventually won the title from Moorer and had the grill.
Nah, he had a really wild and unusual life. Early on he was in the Fifth Ward Houston streets mugging people before going in the job corps. He was only boxing for about a year before he won a Gold Medal in the 1968 Olympics.
He was an underdog when he beat Joe Frazier for the HW title and then lost to Muhammad Ali in Zaire and sunk into a major depression. He also found out that the guy whom he thought all his life was his father actually wasn’t his biological father. That’s apparently the reason he names so many of his kids George, so they know who their father is.
After losing to Jimmy Young in Puerto Rico (he almost died of heat exhaustion and was delirious in the locker room), he became a preacher and didn’t box for 10 years. His ex-wife had a couple of their kids with her in St. Lucia. He went there and basically kidnapped his kids back with him to the US, escaping on a boat with Rastafarian drug dealers.
His youth center was running out of funds, so he returned to boxing after 10 years and eventually won the title from Moorer and had the grill.
dude... when I was growing up, the only thing I knew Foreman for was the grill. I learned about his boxing career as I got older. And I NEVER knew anything about this craziness you talking about now
It's amazing how a cultural icon can mean different things for different generations