i didnt if even quite a few were aggressive as fukk this one time i will never forget for the rest of my life happened not sure if i told u before
i saw my ex and she was like 8 but her body was
anyways she was been hollered at by bunch of military and jap dudes and i was not in mood too be looking for new spot on roster figure just bring her back and have fun so i go up too her smile reach my hand out and she takes it and that was that them dudes were heated at me
then later on this fine ass thick jap girl came in she was like 5"3 brownish hair green eyes wearing them victoria secret boy shorts with heels and a tight shirt that cut offs at bell button and she had belly ring and she had ass and t*ts and tongue ring she was the center of attention and i noticed her and was likeand went back too dancing with my ex and my boy was like
hey she coming over here too holler at you and i was like na she coming for you cuz u aint dancing with nobody
this broad pushed my ex out the way not hard but enough too move dropped it like it was hott reached out her hand for me too take and i was likeand left with her that night instead
we ended up dating for a few weeks she had her own make up line apparently not sure if it was big or not
the sex was great but she was the type that wanted too settle down too quick too my liking cuz i remember i hit it and condom broke and i was like fukk and she was like dont worry well have beautiful kids and get married and i was likeand
all at once when she said that
So you might have some little Twans running around in Japan?