Biggest difference is if you were born in the late 40s early 50s, u stood a good chance of being drafted and told to fight for survival in a hostile jungle full of people trying to kill u, or be labeled a criminal and possibly outcasted from society.
Vietnam traumatized a lot of the children who came of age in that era, whether they served or not. It wasn't a choice, and rich kids didn't have to go.
Iraq/Afghanistan was a choice. If u had awareness of geopolitics in the late 90s, it was clear we were heading to war with the middle east, the war with Iraq didn't stop in 91, it just didn't make headlines
If u made the decision to join the military knowing it's racial history, how vets were treated after Vietnam, and catchy slogans such as "The Marines. Travel to new places. Meet exotic people. And kill them", I don't have really have any sympathy for any trauma suffered. You chose that life.
And since America didn't really suffer from mass casualties, both at home and abroad, nobody cared about poor brown people being blown up halfway across the globe, nobody had to change their lifestyle to accommodate the killings.
#1 song in the country when Iraq got invaded was 50 cent in da club. Everybody was too busy living it up to care