Don't think anyone really gives him massive praise for that role. It was a decent hit at the time, but nobody is like, "BUT WHAT ABOUT WILL IN PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS"
You did not just demean the talents of Denzel Washington to big up Will Smith.
And I have never found the guy to submerge himself in a role...when he does try to stretch it just becomes Will Smith talking different (After Earth) or Will Smith doing an impersonation (Ali).
Can't argue with Tom Cruises filmography though. That niccas catalogue isHow is Will Smith overrated if he only gets praise for his roles in Pursuit of Happiness, Ali and Seven Pounds?
All his other films were blockbuster hits but nothing he gets praise for acting wise.
Dude is a black Tom Cruise. He's a great movie star, not a great actor.
Not 300 lol. But he definitely said 100. It was in an interview before it all started. Jaden auditioned last and according to producer, it was night and day with willwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait this happened?
Ive recently come to ascertain that Will is overrated in many aspects too....![]()
They should've used a real struggling black man to get a more realistic film
Not 300 lol. But he definitely said 100. It was in an interview before it all started. Jaden auditioned last and according to producer, it was night and day with will
So suddenly you push for your kid. And save him for last. And suddenly the acting goes up 100000 during his audition
Another reason why people blow this movie up for will. In his own words:
He and Michael Mann are the two directors that I’ve worked with that know all my tricks. They can see right through me and all of the Will-isms and the things that I know how to do to make the audience laugh or smile or cry. I know all of those things and they beat those things out of me.
Basically he got his go to will smith shyt for every movie and the director wasn't having that shyt. So you get a real acting job. With his son for some real feelings he didn't have to act out
Still a good movie tho!! Will best ACTING job. That's why it's "overrated"
This, dont know if its his celebrity or the fact that you can visually tell hes trying really hard to "act" but he is not the dramatic actor he thinks he is.Pursuit worked in spite of him because that story hit home he just had to play game manager.7 pounds he was thrown in the deep end and while he tried I dont rate his performance at all..The movie itself was a great story, touching really. His performance in the movie was "eh" but good enough to not take away from the it. Seven pounds, while also being a good movie, was too difficult a role for him to pull off and the film suffered because of it. He's an ok actor but best when he doesn't have to actually "act" (ID4, iRobot, MIB etc) and the worst when he tries to carry the film with acting (Pursuit of Happiness, I Am Legend, Seven Pounds and After Earth). Honestly, his best performance to date is Hancock if you really watch the film for the acting. He still my nikka though.