I wouldn't take it personal. There's so much bad blood between the races. I cosign posts saying that we should all be happy that there hasnt been a full blown race war up to this point.
There's a gray area involved in race relations but dont expect the avg. coli user to see it. I know for a fact that both races are wary of one another due to past and present behaviour, NOT skin color.
We ALL need to look in the mirror and check ourselves. Im wary of whites on a personal level because their smiles have been deceptive in my dealings with them. A native american chief said it best. Im paraphrasing here, but: "We were not prepared for an enemy like the white man. When we had enemies, they were honest about their hatred for us. We fought whenever we came into contact. There was no smiling and fake friendship followed by backstabbing later on."

Likewise, I dont cosign this morally superior black man rhetoric. Ignorant brothers trip me up at every turn. I live in a congested neighborhood with very little available parking. We all were fortunate enough to be using an abandoned lot across from my bldg to park in until brehs started littering and selling dope in the lot. The lot owner was fined by the city for it being so filthy with trash..The owner was forced to close the lot...fast forward 3 months later...and im looking at parking tickets for $300 for being 1 minute late in removing my car from one side of the street or the other during rush hour...thinking..damn i hate ignant nikkas. I want to buy bullets with that $300 and go back in time to shoot anyone dropping trash in the mfckin lot!
Behaviour.... The behaviour of people of all races needs improvement

I don't get it. Not even the 5 Percent Nation hates the every day white dude as much as all of y'all. Kendrick wants to sign a white dude and y'all are freaking out like he's a sell out and suddenly hates black people.. You can like white and black people you know, it's not like you can only be exclusive to one. Most people are just people brehs.
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