I have no problem that people want to say he's of mixed race. My sheltered, mixed-race cousin is one of those that made a comment like this on facebook. I wanted to comment, but I decided to fall back. I know his dad would probably agree with me, but not my place. Plus his mom has always been a great aunt to me.
But damnit, I'm a sociologist and the sheltered life of Iowa is not the rest of the world. To the world, he is a black man. Dispute that all you like, but it is not only published, but it is lampooned throughout the world. Tell me that we can't be defined by society. Sorry, reality is, we are. For those saying its convenient for black peoples to call him black, I'm sorry, but you have put this on the black man for centuries. You have gone to the extreme of denying your own seed and creating the one drop rule. You have denied heirship and tried to bury secrets. You raped our women to create them and denied them. You named them with what is equivalent to a mule. Now that the so-called "mulatto" has made it to the highest office of THE WORLD SUPERPOWER(sorry China) you want to tell us he's not black? I laugh. He might not be black, but according to a recent Stanford University study, he has caused a newfound increasing rise in white on black racism. Meanwhile, he might not be black but looking at comment sights like facebook or yahoo he is certainly a ******. While he is not black, his opponent surely did get a record number of the white vote.
So I do enlist a sincere apology to those who have had their racial bubble burst. That goes to you too cousin, in case you read this board. This is reminiscent of the OJ verdict. I was in high school. I remember a teacher confidently turning on the radio to have us listen to the law jargon and read the verdict. Two other classes came into our room to listen. When that verdict was read, the teach was shocked. The white girls began wailing. The white dudes began to mutter angry words. I didn't get it. Did they care that much? I just simply hadn't followed that much. My dad schooled me. In America, the white man wants things his way. He wants to win all the time. He will make convenient what he wants. If he wants you in jail, you're probably going to jail. But OJ beat that. Damn the evidence, the court found him innocent. The white man can't take losing in his own system. So for those that want our President to not be black, sorry.............that was decided already and will remain that way whether you like it or not.