Why do some blacc people hate obama so much?


May 2, 2012

4) people who don't subscribe to a racist "rule" that was created to promote white supremacy.

That rule makes zero sense. Why does it only apply to people of African descent? Ask yourself that. Look up the history behind the one drop rule.

they dont even realize they're supporting white supremacy

they believe it's black supremacy. which is why so many black men are confused, and believe they can create a black child with a non-black woman.


Apr 30, 2012
These are prolly the same black folks who say, "obama aint doin nothin fa me" or "He aint doin nothin for black folks"

Which is ignorant logic.

He actually has done a hell of a lot for black folks. Just because he's not putting $50 in ur pocket doesnt mean he's not doing something immeasureable for the black image. :manny: And if nothing more, it should let you see that anything truly is possible.


Jul 19, 2012
You have a non-black parent?


The only reason why people call Obama black and not what he is is because of the one drop rule.

I'm obviously number 2? :what: Because I don't subscribe to a racist rule that promotes white purity? :wtf:

LOL @ He looks black. Wentworth Miller, Blake Griffin all look white and no one calls them white.

Obama looks like a mixed man. Here's a picture of him with his father's side of the family.





Black comes in a variety of shades. To say he doesn't look black is just as racist as that stupid one drop rule. I know what his father looks like, I read his books and have written papers on this man. Showing a picture of his father doesn't say anything except that you think all black people look the same and that you probably hold racist views yourself.

There were and have always been both light, medium, and dark looking Africans. Barack looks black.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
I have no problem that people want to say he's of mixed race. My sheltered, mixed-race cousin is one of those that made a comment like this on facebook. I wanted to comment, but I decided to fall back. I know his dad would probably agree with me, but not my place. Plus his mom has always been a great aunt to me.

But damnit, I'm a sociologist and the sheltered life of Iowa is not the rest of the world. To the world, he is a black man. Dispute that all you like, but it is not only published, but it is lampooned throughout the world. Tell me that we can't be defined by society. Sorry, reality is, we are. For those saying its convenient for black peoples to call him black, I'm sorry, but you have put this on the black man for centuries. You have gone to the extreme of denying your own seed and creating the one drop rule. You have denied heirship and tried to bury secrets. You raped our women to create them and denied them. You named them with what is equivalent to a mule. Now that the so-called "mulatto" has made it to the highest office of THE WORLD SUPERPOWER(sorry China) you want to tell us he's not black? I laugh. He might not be black, but according to a recent Stanford University study, he has caused a newfound increasing rise in white on black racism. Meanwhile, he might not be black but looking at comment sights like facebook or yahoo he is certainly a ******. While he is not black, his opponent surely did get a record number of the white vote.

So I do enlist a sincere apology to those who have had their racial bubble burst. That goes to you too cousin, in case you read this board. This is reminiscent of the OJ verdict. I was in high school. I remember a teacher confidently turning on the radio to have us listen to the law jargon and read the verdict. Two other classes came into our room to listen. When that verdict was read, the teach was shocked. The white girls began wailing. The white dudes began to mutter angry words. I didn't get it. Did they care that much? I just simply hadn't followed that much. My dad schooled me. In America, the white man wants things his way. He wants to win all the time. He will make convenient what he wants. If he wants you in jail, you're probably going to jail. But OJ beat that. Damn the evidence, the court found him innocent. The white man can't take losing in his own system. So for those that want our President to not be black, sorry.............that was decided already and will remain that way whether you like it or not.

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
lol at the light skin = mixed race. I'm 100% African and some my first cousins in Zambia are the same skin tone as Will Smith and Halle Berry. Our long time family friend's daughter (unmixed Ndebele/Shona) is lighter than Beyonce.

Some of you dudes probably say Nelson Mandela isn't a black man but "mixed". Africa is veeeeery diverse. People from Zimbabwe look very different from people in Zambia for example even though the countries border each other (Zambians are fairly tall with medium to thick frames and Zimbabweans tend to be short and slight) .

As for the topic at hand, some black people simply don't agree with his polices while others are on some internalized racism/"I'm not like THOSE black people"/impress-racist-white-people bullshyt and many more feel he doesn't do enough for black people/placates racist white people.

I was kind of disgusted when he dismissed racism as one of the factors behind the intense right wing backlash he gets. I know it's politics but there's no way he believes that bullshyt.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
I have no problem that people want to say he's of mixed race. My sheltered, mixed-race cousin is one of those that made a comment like this on facebook. I wanted to comment, but I decided to fall back. I know his dad would probably agree with me, but not my place. Plus his mom has always been a great aunt to me.

But damnit, I'm a sociologist and the sheltered life of Iowa is not the rest of the world. To the world, he is a black man. Dispute that all you like, but it is not only published, but it is lampooned throughout the world. Tell me that we can't be defined by society. Sorry, reality is, we are. For those saying its convenient for black peoples to call him black, I'm sorry, but you have put this on the black man for centuries. You have gone to the extreme of denying your own seed and creating the one drop rule. You have denied heirship and tried to bury secrets. You raped our women to create them and denied them. You named them with what is equivalent to a mule. Now that the so-called "mulatto" has made it to the highest office of THE WORLD SUPERPOWER(sorry China) you want to tell us he's not black? I laugh. He might not be black, but according to a recent Stanford University study, he has caused a newfound increasing rise in white on black racism. Meanwhile, he might not be black but looking at comment sights like facebook or yahoo he is certainly a ******. While he is not black, his opponent surely did get a record number of the white vote.

So I do enlist a sincere apology to those who have had their racial bubble burst. That goes to you too cousin, in case you read this board. This is reminiscent of the OJ verdict. I was in high school. I remember a teacher confidently turning on the radio to have us listen to the law jargon and read the verdict. Two other classes came into our room to listen. When that verdict was read, the teach was shocked. The white girls began wailing. The white dudes began to mutter angry words. I didn't get it. Did they care that much? I just simply hadn't followed that much. My dad schooled me. In America, the white man wants things his way. He wants to win all the time. He will make convenient what he wants. If he wants you in jail, you're probably going to jail. But OJ beat that. Damn the evidence, the court found him innocent. The white man can't take losing in his own system. So for those that want our President to not be black, sorry.............that was decided already and will remain that way whether you like it or not.

Damn pos rep coming soon. I did not vote for the man politics because I don't agree with them but I respect the nikka as a man as my president and as black! :wow:

DreadHead P

lettin em hang and swang
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Deep in the south kickin uptop game
I don't hate him, my main beef wit him is he expects the support of the black community but hasn't addressed any of the problems specific to us, he ain't said shyt about rate at which black men are being targeted by the cops and the prison system, ain't said shyt about what's goin on in Chicago, nothin. No other race could do that, could you imagine a Mexican president who didn't address the problem of immigration? Even An Asian president would have to address the needs and concerns of his people before they gave him their whole hearted support


May 3, 2012
This thread is embarrassing. This discussion isn't about any racist 'one drop rule' because this isn't about 'one drop'...its about half his ancestry. Fifty percent. And the undeniable effect said ancestry has on his being President of the U.S.

The whole 'He's not black, he's mixed!!!!!!' thing is the stupidest, most naive thing I've ever read. Are we supposed to ignore his obvious black ancestry when he makes such history? We as blacks cant celebrate that without being accused of 'claiming' something? Jesus...


May 2, 2012
I have no problem that people want to say he's of mixed race. My sheltered, mixed-race cousin is one of those that made a comment like this on facebook. I wanted to comment, but I decided to fall back. I know his dad would probably agree with me, but not my place. Plus his mom has always been a great aunt to me.

But damnit, I'm a sociologist and the sheltered life of Iowa is not the rest of the world. To the world, he is a black man. Dispute that all you like, but it is not only published, but it is lampooned throughout the world. Tell me that we can't be defined by society. Sorry, reality is, we are. For those saying its convenient for black peoples to call him black, I'm sorry, but you have put this on the black man for centuries. You have gone to the extreme of denying your own seed and creating the one drop rule. You have denied heirship and tried to bury secrets. You raped our women to create them and denied them. You named them with what is equivalent to a mule. Now that the so-called "mulatto" has made it to the highest office of THE WORLD SUPERPOWER(sorry China) you want to tell us he's not black? I laugh. He might not be black, but according to a recent Stanford University study, he has caused a newfound increasing rise in white on black racism. Meanwhile, he might not be black but looking at comment sights like facebook or yahoo he is certainly a ******. While he is not black, his opponent surely did get a record number of the white vote.

So I do enlist a sincere apology to those who have had their racial bubble burst. That goes to you too cousin, in case you read this board. This is reminiscent of the OJ verdict. I was in high school. I remember a teacher confidently turning on the radio to have us listen to the law jargon and read the verdict. Two other classes came into our room to listen. When that verdict was read, the teach was shocked. The white girls began wailing. The white dudes began to mutter angry words. I didn't get it. Did they care that much? I just simply hadn't followed that much. My dad schooled me. In America, the white man wants things his way. He wants to win all the time. He will make convenient what he wants. If he wants you in jail, you're probably going to jail. But OJ beat that. Damn the evidence, the court found him innocent. The white man can't take losing in his own system. So for those that want our President to not be black, sorry.............that was decided already and will remain that way whether you like it or not.
So he is black because the racist white man says he is? :what: LOL @ letting racist white people define who you are. White people say you aren't as good as them. I guess we should just go along with that too huh? :wtf:
lol at the light skin = mixed race. I'm 100% African and some my first cousins in Zambia are the same skin tone as Will Smith and Halle Berry. Our long time family friend's daughter (unmixed Ndebele/Shona) is lighter than Beyonce.

Some of you dudes probably say Nelson Mandela isn't a black man but "mixed". Africa is veeeeery diverse. People from Zimbabwe look very different from people in Zambia for example even though the countries border each other (Zambians are fairly tall with medium to thick frames and Zimbabweans tend to be short and slight) .

As for the topic at hand, some black people simply don't agree with his polices while others are on some internalized racism/"I'm not like THOSE black people"/impress-racist-white-people bullshyt and many more feel he doesn't do enough for black people/placates racist white people.

I was kind of disgusted when he dismissed racism as one of the factors behind the intense right wing backlash he gets. I know it's politics but there's no way he believes that bullshyt.

Black comes in a variety of shades. To say he doesn't look black is just as racist as that stupid one drop rule. I know what his father looks like, I read his books and have written papers on this man. Showing a picture of his father doesn't say anything except that you think all black people look the same and that you probably hold racist views yourself.

There were and have always been both light, medium, and dark looking Africans. Barack looks black.
:what: :what:

Obama looks the way he does because of his mixed heritage.

LOL @ Bringing up Nelson Mandela. There are several different ethnic groups in Africa. Thinking all Africans belong to the same ethnic group is just as ignorant. Its like comparing a man from India and a person from China. Yeah, they are both Asians, but they are from completely two different backgrounds. Same shyt. Obama does not look like the Luo people, because his mother is a fukking white woman.

Luo People. The ethnic group which Obama's father was a part of.



:comeon: :wtb:

Northern Son

Oct 30, 2012
So he is black because the racist white man says he is? : LOL @ letting racist white people define who you are. White people say you aren't as good as them. I guess we should just go along with that too huh? :

:what: :what:

Obama looks the way he does because of his mixed heritage.

LOL @ Bringing up Nelson Mandela. There are several different ethnic groups in Africa. Thinking all Africans belong to the same ethnic group is just as ignorant. Its like comparing a man from India and a person from China. Yeah, they are both Asians, but they are from completely two different backgrounds. Same shyt. Obama does not look like the Luo people, because his mother is a fukking white woman.

Luo People. The ethnic group which Obama's father was a part of.



:comeon: :wtb:

:snoop: :snoop:

I'm African. Of course I know there's a lot of diversity in African phenotypes, I even mentioned that in the same fukking post you quoted. I mentioned Mandela and the fact that I have light skinned relatives to PROVE the point that Africans do not all look the same. I was agreeing with you :mindblown:.

I know that Obama's father is a Nilotic man of the Luo tribe, I'm saying that the guys in this thread claiming Obama doesn't look "African" are narrowing the definition to include only one look (extremely dark and stereotypically Nilotic). No shyt Obama doesn't look like his father or the "typical" Luo man, but there are unmixed Africans like South Africans with Khoisan admixture, Igbos, and Horn of Africa people that look a bit like Barack for whatever reason, so it's not entirely accurate to say he doesn't look African.

The fact that his mother is white and gave him his light complexion and long face goes without saying (as in, that's motherfukking obvious so I didn't mention it). What the fukk do you take me for?


May 2, 2012
:snoop: :snoop:

I'm African. Of course I know there's a lot of diversity in African phenotypes, I even mentioned that in the same fukking post you quoted. I mentioned Mandela and the fact that I have light skinned relatives to PROVE the point that Africans do not all look the same. I was agreeing with you :mindblown:.

I know that Obama's father is a Nilotic man of the Luo tribe, I'm saying that the guys in this thread claiming Obama doesn't look "African" are narrowing the definition to include only one look (extremely dark and stereotypically Nilotic). No shyt Obama doesn't look like his father or the "typical" Luo man, but there are unmixed Africans like South Africans with Khoisan admixture, Igbos, and Horn of Africa people that look a bit like Barack for whatever reason, so it's not entirely accurate to say he doesn't look African.

The fact that his mother is white and gave him his light complexion and long face goes without saying (as in, that's motherfukking obvious so I didn't mention it). What the fukk do you take me for?
lol my bad bruh. I made that post 10 minutes after I woke up. I clearly read it wrong. That post was mostly directed towards Jenny anyways.