The Lord Jesus was pleased about something happening in 1919? You're an apologist @FrederickDouglas
Anybody who has been to a Kingdom Hall has heard the term "faithful and discreet slave" more than a few times referring to the big shots in the organization who are promoting "Kingdom interests" or "his Master's interests".
Everything there is explained in that article, " spiritual food", 1914, 1918, World War 1, etc.
They harass you like you owe them money if you were just being nice/polite to them when they approach you in the street.I'm not religious or anything, but why do people hate JW's and MormonsAre they like a cult group? Or their doctrine about G-d is B.S.?
They harass you like you owe them money if you were just being nice/polite to them when they approach you in the street.
But i have a few stories and one took place in Costa Rica when i lived there.
I remember i was in Costa Rica walking through Morazan Park and i saw some Jehovah Witnesses talking to people. One came up to me and started speaking to me(in spanish) while handing g me a pamphlet. So I'm like "no Espanol".
I'm thinking perfect excuse, right?
She looked at me and gave me a signal to wait and said something to her homegirl (the prettiest one of the group). Her homegirl comes over and goes "oh i speak english" starts talking to me and I had to sit there and listen to the whole thing
No matter how far you go you cant escape these mofos
Those idiots don't even know that g-d is a spirit/entity who has no gender or physical form. However. we do know that g-d is a man. Something like that lol.The newest one out here in San Diego is "God the Mother"
Always catch you at the mall and they have regular clothes on to lower suspicion
I kid you not my coli fam it's always two dorky ass brothasand some Asian person waiting in the wings like a pimp in the bathroom
here's their bullshyt hook:
"Well...just like heaven is on earth right?"
"So if there is 'God the father' then shouldn't there be 'God the mother'"?
I asked one breh what made him believe in this and he said "It's the truth"
I had to give him the real life
Because they keep knock, knock, knocking on my door.
Luckily, I look like a kid and I just tell them my parents aren't home.
They don't come to my house lolThat facade of being nice goes out the window when you don't budge. One morning when I was little I'm up playing in the living room, somebody knocks on the door and I was too short for the peephole, so I asked who was it, it's a JW. I tell my dad who's sleep in the back, I know he had thelook on his face because I could hear him grunting. Normally he puts on his shirt for people at the door, but not for this nikka, he done lost his six pack, so he was tryna get this over with
My dad opens the door and I see this old white man who looks like John Wayne, he immediately starts his sales pitch. Oh my dad is Muslim.
JW: "Do you want to be saved?"
JW: *Pulls out fun sized Bible from his back pocket* "This here is the truth", he starts reciting verses.
Dad: "In the Quran, it says Christians have it wrong"
JW: "Visibly getting annoyed and starts reciting more verses"
Dad: "Still wrong"
JW:*Hears the sound of a gun cocking in his head* "Maybe Islam got it wrong"
Dad:"It's time for you to go"
At this point the conversation gets too hard for me to follow because they start yelling at each other for a good 2 minutes.
It slows back down
JW:"so are you gonna come down?"( I think he wanted him to come to his place of worship)
Dad:"No, goodbye."
The JW left, but his dropped his bible, my dad picked it up and gave it to him. When the JW turned around to get it back he had alook on his face.
I was likethe whole time, the commotion woke up my mom and she came in the living room
lookin' at my dad.