White arabs didn't get into africa until 638 a.d
Egypt, rather kemet, or ta mary and ta seti, was basically a black nubian civilization that begun to intermingle with other cultures, but was basically a black african civilization.
It's heavily identified because of the meticulous and tremendous record keeping done by those black africsns, and the fact that around 1400s when the heavy enslavement of black africans begun taking place as a means of finance, white academia made it a point to erase the accomplishments of the Negroes and attempted to tell the world that we never contributed to civilization at all. They even attempted to make egypt white and just say these were "dark Caucasians" and this was the belief until cheik anta Diop and theophile obenga made the European scholarship calm that shyt down and fall back. Research the unesco symposium in cairo, 1974. Then dr. Ben pretty much put the egypt was white to death and put the nail in te coffin.
I agree tho, more needs to be discussed about west africa and other great black african civilizations, axum, mali, Songhay, Timbuktu, kush, congo, south africa, dogon people of Mali, hell even here with the olmec-xi who would then become the mayans and aztec and inca.
Another reason egypt is heavily discussed is because of its connection to the abrahamic faiths and how all the religious text qualify it's history through kemet. When egypt was proven a black civilization it set white religious scholarship back 200 years because now they had to explain the lies.