Why do Afrocentrists keep perpetuating the myth that blacks were in the Americas before Columbus


May 1, 2012
:what:you and the OP dont even know what you are arguing against. Van Sertima is NOT the first to make the claim of an African presence in Precolumbian America. He had much skepticism when the theory was presented to him until he studied and researched, then came to his own conclusion. The bullshyt you and the OP kicking about "Afrocentricts" pushing pseudo-science says more about yall than actual objections to the theory.

For the record, this white German born Mr. Burns looking dude is the one who came up with the "Afrocentric pseudo-scientific" theory of africans in pre Columbian America. Let that sink in.

To those who enjoy subjects like these, in addition to "They Came Before Columbus" check out Von Wuthenau's book.

:mjcry: its expensive, i was able to borrow it from my professor in college. Ill add it to my book collection one day.

I didn't say he was the first to do it, but his book blew the theory up and most people are introduced to it through his work, including myself when I was a teenager. The majority of scholars in this field dismissed it outright at first, but some have felt compelled to come out and debunk them because of how the theory was popularized on college campuses, and how it is by nature offensive to native peoples who don't have the means or numbers to protest themselves. An example has been posted in this thread already. I suggest you look it over.

But looking at that book you're referring I can tell you aren't interested in actual facts, no offense.

Mess World

Oct 27, 2015
i still dont know how ANY scientist could TRULY know the distance between the continents and how long it went from point A to point B to point C where the continents are now..
200 million years ago one can say there were no humans....but no human can tell us honestly how the continents looked like 50,000 years ago. they can only assume.
we've been flying around for over a hundred years now. taking measurements and distance. and doing it at a much more intellectual level than when were trying to do it by boats.
how do we not know that in 2000 years from now, it will take longer to fly from distance a to distance b and vice versa because the continents moved some more??
noone knows.
if the scientists want to say that fossils of the same kind were found on different clusters of continents that are NOT attached right now,
who are they to say that man only came from one small area in africa?
why did man only evolve from one thing in one area if everywhere else things were evolving?
scientists wanna talk shyt about there being a GOD but then go right bakk to the adam and eve theory of the garden of eden and man coming from ONE area....
it cant be possible that each area had their own evolution of man?
even in the true hebrew translation of the first 4 books of the old testament it talks about adam and eve and there being OTHERS out there.... not where the garden of eden was.

They have computers to map out how the ocean or land mass looked from any point of time

Mess World

Oct 27, 2015
I didn't say he was the first to do it, but his book blew the theory up and most people are introduced to it through his work, including myself when I was a teenager. The majority of scholars in this field dismissed it outright at first, but some have felt compelled to come out and debunk them because of how the theory was popularized on college campuses, and how it is by nature offensive to native peoples who don't have the means or numbers to protest themselves. An example has been posted in this thread already. I suggest you look it over.

But looking at that book you're referring I can tell you aren't interested in actual facts, no offense.

I asked him for the sources and he tells me to find em on the net. But I did find people who read Columbus's journals and said there wasn't any mention and that they're loosely referenced in sertimas books. Sertimas also said one spanish explorer said the natives had the same word for some type of metal as the Muslims in west Africa. Someone looked at this and said natives didn't use that word .


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
I didn't say he was the first to do it,

If I'm not mistaken it was van sertima who re-introduced the hullbay skeletons to a wider audience in his book to help prop up his theories. While interesting, they do nothing to support the broader claims made in this thread or elsewhere regarding African expeditions to the americas, and that's why no one else made them before he did.


I asked him for the sources and he tells me to find em on the net.

did you ask me for sources? Think about this before that card gets pulled

But I did find people who read Columbus's journals and said there wasn't any mention and that they're loosely referenced in sertimas books. Sertimas also said one spanish explorer said the natives had the same word for some type of metal as the Muslims in west Africa. Someone looked at this and said natives didn't use that word .

You do know "They Came Before Columbus" has a rather large bibliography right? You are doing your best to discredit a book you obviously didnt read. Van Sertima was pretty thorough with his sources but instead you'd rather read from a guy who knew a guy who said "thats bullshyt".

And @GetInTheTruck I have read the criticisms that @Mess World posted, read them a while back. I also read "Early America Revisited" by Van Sertima and he addresses each and every criticism levied at him in your earlier post. Like @Peter Vecsey said you refuted nothing, you just posted a difference of opinion
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Mess World

Oct 27, 2015


did you ask me for sources? Think about this before that card gets pulled

You do know "They Came Before Columbus" has a rather large bibliography right? You are doing your best to discredit a book you obviously didnt read. Van Sertima was pretty thorough with his sources but instead you'd rather read from a guy who knew a guy who said "thats bullshyt".

And @GetInTheTruck I have read the criticisms that @Mess World posted, read them a while back. I also read "Early America Revisited" by Van Sertima and he addresses each and every criticism levied at him in your earlier post. Like @Peter Vecsey said you refuted nothing, you just posted a difference of opinion

I did ask you for primary sources and you told me they were on the net. I couldn't find em. There is absolutely zero evidence of African settlements in the Americas before Columbus . Earlier this month someone claimed to find a Roman sword in oak bay. Turns it it might of been a replica. They guy is writing a book about it and it's very well a hoax. Now you're telling me that we have evidence of Africans here with no artifacts , no fossils , no plants , and no DNA in Meso Americans . When Columbus came here he wrote about natives in canoes. Why didn't he see the the sail boats since Africans sailed here . Wouldn't there be some advanced sailing technology ?

Mess World

Oct 27, 2015


did you ask me for sources? Think about this before that card gets pulled

You do know "They Came Before Columbus" has a rather large bibliography right? You are doing your best to discredit a book you obviously didnt read. Van Sertima was pretty thorough with his sources but instead you'd rather read from a guy who knew a guy who said "thats bullshyt".

And @GetInTheTruck I have read the criticisms that @Mess World posted, read them a while back. I also read "Early America Revisited" by Van Sertima and he addresses each and every criticism levied at him in your earlier post. Like @Peter Vecsey said you refuted nothing, you just posted a difference of opinion

Funny you read all these Afro centric books but haven't read anything by real historians that debunk it


Apr 3, 2014
:patrice: Africans before Native Americans.. even with my rather limited knowledge of pre cac American history I'm gonna say NAH breh.

I'm willing to look at peer reviewed empirical evidence though and form my own conclusions instead of wildly rejecting or accepting big claims, however.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Funny you read all these Afro centric books but haven't read anything by real historians that debunk it

:why: yet you dont even read what you're replying to. Bruh lve read that critique years ago. I even said I've read it in the message you were replying to. Keep assuming though, ill let you cook.

Over the years, i have read both sides of the coin, so I know Van Sertima was initially wrong about the dates of the Olmec heads. But so was the trio of critics in your post. I know he was off about the oldest mummy found being from Egypt. Guess what, so were those peer reviewers.

Im intelligent enough to take in dissenting veiwpoints and still come to my own conclusion. Can you though, its obvious you haven't read van sertimas work but just scanned through a 20 page difference of opinion piece.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Yeah the article I linked refuted all that you posted
No you didnt refute anything.

Facts are facts. Im sorry but white people make up their facts just be in controll

I find it hard to respect white people who just want to be right to be right.

White american consume a lot of products from china and overseas. White people are not god or God or demigods and did not create everything.

What they did was take advantage and fool people, and now some of them play nice.

One think, white history of america, lacks is objectivity. White scientist back then were racist and not object and even now, some odd stats are used to subjugate blacks, chinese, asian, and indians.

On top of that, blacks are done the most work, went through the most pain, than any other group, just straight abuse...

A good scientist, a good white scientist acknowledges that...Yes there were blacks, Yes there could have blacks...

why should I acknowledge a white scientist, racist one, when I know he is not telling the truth, he has you fool in racial tricks of not acknowledging blacks.

You want to believe, racists: I cant;.

I tell the truth. Black were in the America and survived and thrived before Columbus.

The also is: Where white and blcks were, more often times, whites treated blcks bad. Blcks were nice, open minded, welcoming, misunderstood and good mistreated. Same thing goes on today, how does a mom of 5 or college student get shot by cops, same types of white people and same types of racist people. Same cop who will ignore similar conflict or talk down domestic violence situation. Then white cops racist, shoot. Fcuk racist white cops and black latin asian c00ns too.

Fck those white people and their relative c00ns!

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Normally I emphatically believe Afrocentric conspiracy theories about how we discovered and invented everything before white people, but I don't believe this one. If the Indians had encountered Afrikans, they wouldn't be so swagless. They'd have names like DeFlying Eagle and Sitting Bulltavius.

Maybe the Indians stole their streetness

no, they arent.


The one connection is that they are all humans originally from african, with african dna.

Show me the first thai person from earth and how they appear, single cell organism. What is this place called Earth. Where is God? Who manifested it? How does nature good operate? Many scientist just explain. I want to see Chinese blueprint, where in nature is the Chinese face, Chinese, who is the evolution God of Gods.

I'm into mystery. Are animals, insects and mammals who are walking, talking, flying swimming - alien made? God made aliens? Is Earth hell? Should the world be vegetarian, instead of eating animals? Who made the cow? If cows share skeletal symbolism to humans. Did Egyptians and Indians have it right by worshipping animals, not as idols, but as beings? Would you want to be eating? Not a$$hole or puss eating? But you want your hand cut off and dipped into a sause? Where humans put on land to be forever? And sun and moon, poison to age humans? Maybe humans should not have hungered and thirst? Imagine...

Rely on white people to teach you your history, brehs
White have altered history to be de-facto them. Its poison!

Mess World

Oct 27, 2015
I guess it's just cool to troll in this thread and call people cacs and c00ns because we bring evidence instead of propaganda

I didn't make this thread for y'all to troll and make tiny heads of MJ loling


All Star
May 2, 2012
I can't find any data to support this argument all I found was paintings of blacks that were painted after 1492.

There has never been any excavation of African skulls in large quantities that would make evidence that there were black villages

Natives in the jungles of the Americas have zero African DNA, so how were the Olmecs an African civilization.

All I was able to find was how the kingdoms of Mali might of said or not that they wanted to travel across the Atlantic. but that theory was debunked by professionals.

Something tells me that you're white or you relate more to other races than the so called black race. But whatever, here is some evidence for you that you will most likely ignore



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