There's no revolt, the moment it was announced that Heyman and Bischoff were back it went from
real quick. Factor in the report that they're finally moving away from the PG bullshyt and it's a wrap for the NWG kliq.

Like any love/hate relationship, people only leave when they have options
It counts, but there’s something about watching a show with a high budget weekly TV show vs some internet sh1t with 400 fans in attendance, regardless of how fast paced the match is.
There’s been a bunch of indies putting on stiff matches with nonstop action and a million finisher kickouts for 15 years now. Just wrestling, who’s the best competitor in our great sport brother, has gotten boring. And WWE has mostly adopted that now and it sucks.
At least even when it was horrible back in the day you at least had the cenas and punks.
We literally get months of Corbin and ziggler
Easy to revolt
I mean they've been losing their audience since 2002.