Why did the NOI tell black people to stop eating pork?


Rouge AI
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Deuteronomy 14:8

King James Bible
And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.

Its scripture homie:ufdup:
I know this. I'm not Christian but I did know this. But so many so called Christians don't heed this.


Jun 2, 2013
There are lean portion of a pig such as loin chop and tenderloin. People associated pork to unhealthy diet because they think of bacon, ham, pig feet and chitterling. Certain part of a pig is just high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Beef is high in fat as well, so beef is not that much better than pork. I eat more turkey, chicken, and seafood than beef and pork. I eat turkey bacon a lot more than pork bacon. I don't eat a lot of burgers and steaks. Hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol run in the family, so I am trying to change my diet for the better.

American's biggest problem is high carbs, not pork necessarily. People don't see connections between sweets, breads, pasta, potato, and the big three (diabetes, Hypertension and high cholesterol). People can eat chicken and fish all day long. If you eat a lot of pies, cakes, and french fries, you can have all three illnesses based off of that diet alone. There is not enough emphasis on cutting down on sweets. People are so focused on cutting out pork. I buy cookies from a grocery store every now and then. Not often. At least you are getting nutrients out of pork chop. You are not gaining anything out of a slice of cake but fat and high glucose.
Dec 19, 2017
Partially it was because Islam forbids pork but the other thing is Elijah Muhammed wanted Black people to turn away from what was considered 'slave food' and to eat a much more light, vegetable heavy diet. If you read 'Eat to Live' this is the direction he was going in.

Weren't they against sweet potatoes/yams (hence bean pies) and greens?

NOI took some doctrine from Islam and then mashed it up with some kind of weird anti-African/anti-southern black shyt.

The vitamins and minerals in collard greens (if you don't load it down with neckbones, hamhocks etc) are top notch for black folks.
Dec 19, 2017
There are lean portion of a pig such as loin chop and tenderloin. People associated pork to unhealthy diet because they think of bacon, ham, pig feet and chitterling. Certain part of a pig is just high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Beef is high in fat as well, so beef is not that much better than pork. I eat more turkey, chicken, and seafood than beef and pork. I eat turkey bacon a lot more than pork bacon. I don't eat a lot of burgers and steaks. Hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol run in the family, so I am trying to change my diet for the better.

American's biggest problem is high carbs, not pork necessarily. People don't see connections between sweets, breads, pasta, potato, and the big three (diabetes, Hypertension and high cholesterol). People can eat chicken and fish all day long. If you eat a lot of pies, cakes, and french fries, you can have all three illnesses based off of that diet alone. There is not enough emphasis on cutting down on sweets. People are so focused on cutting out pork. I buy cookies from a grocery store every now and then. Not often. At least you are getting nutrients out of pork chop. You are not gaining anything out of a slice of cake but fat and high glucose.

Good points.

Sugar is in everything in America.

People that travel overseas a lot (or come from other countries) always talk about how bread is sweeter here. Even something like Oreo cookies will be sweeter here than in say, Europe. Spaghetti sauce will be loaded with sugar, way more than it needs.

Sometimes it's sugar, HFCS, sucralose etc. We drink our sugar a lot too.

Always tell people that if you NEED something sweet, get an ice cream sundae or something rich and filling instead of drinking 2 or 3 sodas. The sodas don't satisfy and the sugar adds up hella fast.

Agreed on the meat too :dame:....salmon and trout plus some chicken....Definitely feel better versus eating red meat every day.


Jun 23, 2015
More for me



All Star
Sep 5, 2015
Weren't they against sweet potatoes/yams (hence bean pies) and greens?

NOI took some doctrine from Islam and then mashed it up with some kind of weird anti-African/anti-southern black shyt.

The vitamins and minerals in collard greens (if you don't load it down with neckbones, hamhocks etc) are top notch for black folks.

Nothing wierd about it... swine, collards, yams, etc is slave food. Part of the doctrine of the NOI is reject those elements that went into the making of slaves...including diet. Some of the best damn advice black americans ever recieved imho


Jul 24, 2015
Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Eat one meal a day or one meal every other day, if you are able to. And, eat the food that Allah has prescribed for us. Stay away from the poison food that dresses the Christian’s table. You do not have to eat every variety of food on the earth to be healthy, for two varieties of good food is sufficient.

THERE ARE GOOD vegetables for you to eat and there is good fruit for you to eat. And, if you want some meat, there is some good meat growing out there you can eat without eating the poison meat (the pig). The White man’s greatest desire is that you do that which breaks the Divine Law by eating this poison flesh. Everything God says “Thou shall not do,” he says “Thou shall do.”

You watch him. He is not a friend of God nor is he a doer or a lover of His Law. They were made by nature to be opposers to God and His Law and the righteous people. And, you see them living other than Divine Law.

They are always in trouble; always sick; fighting and disagreeing with each other.

No people should expect peace and contentment who are opposed to the Law of God or obedience to Him that brings us into such conditions of life. Since God has exposed them and exposed the hog, they now will say to you “cook it thoroughly done and it is all right to eat.” It is not all right to eat it if you cook it thoroughly and kill every pork worm there is in it. The actual flesh then is still poison and is divinely prohibited flesh that you should not even touch—not to think of eating it, for it was not made to eat. It was made for medical purposes for the White race and I have taught you time and again, that God taught me they did not make the hog to be taken as a food, but made it for medical purposes.

Since there is a poison in it, the flesh of swine will cure most any kind of disease. Take a slice of this “fatty” and “salty” pork and you have a boil on you some place, full of fever; lay a piece of fat on it and it will soon draw it out.

IT IS A MEDICINE and not food. This is not all it will do in a curing way. I do not have time and space here to put this in this article, but the White man knows and he will bear me witness that I am teaching you the truth of this hog. Medical scientists and our own doctors are fast learning, since I have been writing this article on HOW TO EAT TO LIVE and are now cooperating with me and agreeing with me that the hog is a poison that we should not eat, though they may be eating it themselves. But, they have to acknowledge the truth. Some of them are intelligent enough now, for the last few years, to start getting away from eating it.
Who wants to eat the combination of these fleshes: cat, rat, and dog? This is what the hog is made of—the dog, cat and rat, and the Bible teaches you that he is from a mouse. Read Isaiah 66:17, “They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine’s flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.”

The so-called American Negro is a product of evil and filth, produced by the White man of slavery. He is more a true believer in the evils and filth of the White man than the White man himself. As it is written (Bible), when he (devil) makes a convert, he makes him seven times more the child of hell than himself. This is the so-called American Negro. He is turned into a person seven times worse than he originally was.

So, do not think that you are Divinely safe eating pork after you think you have cooked it so done you have killed the pork worms in it. The flesh alone—not to say eating it—is Divinely prohibited to touch. This, the White man knows, but what does he care? He eats anything.


(Reprinted from “How To Eat To Live,” Book Two, 1972.)