Who gives a shyt
They had a spark with this several weeks ago. But they didn't build on it. Her insulting the fans had me rolling
This intro was have got so much heat in Canada. Lacy isn’t the best, but there’s something there. Same with Sonya, Nikki, Xia Li. They’ve been presented as afterthoughts or sent out there to do the job so many times that the heat is gone. The crowd has been trained to not care.
You tell me Lacy acting all uppity in a mini feud with Bianca wouldn’t draw some heat. Have her fall in that Honky Tonk Man (who also cant wrestle) role where she keeps comin out talking that cracker shyt until the next big babyface (Ultimate Warrior) comes out and puts her away.
This intro wold have gotten so much heat in Canada. Lacy isn’t the best, but there’s something there. Same with Sonya, Nikki, Xia Li. They’ve been presented as afterthoughts or sent out there to do the job so many times that the heat is gone. The crowd has been trained to not care.
You tell me Lacy acting all uppity in a mini feud with Bianca wouldn’t draw some heat. Have her fall in that Honky Tonk Man (who also cant wrestle) role where she keeps comin out talking that cracker shyt until the next big babyface (Ultimate Warrior) comes out and puts her away.