All Star
The lightning was the catalyst for his deformity and also revealed his “sith eyes”?
He was forced to reveal himself. And being the smart guy he is he was able to flip it into looking like a weak bytch to trick Lil Annie.
So you know better than the guy who created the shyt? It's on the director's commentary spoken by George Lucas himself about the effects of the lightning and the Sith eyes. If you have a problem with that, hit him up on Twitter.
Vader/Anakin's eyes went back to their normal blue when he was crying and when Padme arrived. They didn't turn back to Sith eyes until Obi-Wan turned him into Darth Nubby.
Star Wars Databank on Sidious' face

Also, don't forget when Palps had Sith eyes when he dueled Maul and Savage on Mandalore. His eyes turn back to their blue while he's shocking Maul.

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