Why did blacks get enslaved in the first place


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
I can't take this question seriously. I'm in though.

Big D Bangston

Jun 21, 2012
Bama born and bred
Because Indians kept dying due to disease and the kept escaping because they knew the land so well.

You should also look up bacons rebellion because that was a key factor.

We were perfect because we were strangers and didn't know the land well. We were immune to malaria, which Indians died from due to being in contact with mosquitoes. The gene that make black people immune also makes us vulnerable to sickle cell.

Sorry if I'm wrong.
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May 17, 2012
Because Indians kept dying due to disease and the kept escaping because they knew the land so well.

You should also look up bacons rebellion because that was a key factor.

i think when the first white people stepped foot in africa, the dark skin people in africa were enamored by them. they saw them as friendly people. but the white people saw able bodied men that they believed were just slightly more intelligent than an animal. which meant they can get them to do all the dirty work they dont wanna do.

also, it's very easy for people of other races to blend in with the existing races (white and native american) of the new world simply because they have the same hair texture and their skin tone isn't that far off from each other.

a black person however, would stick out like a sore thumb, especially one from back in those days when there wasnt that much intermixing of races.

so they transported these extremely different humans to a far away land where there was no where to run to. they put em in a land where, no matter which part of that land they step foot in, they would be instantly recognized as a "slave". why? because they looked nothing like them. Their noses were different, their hair is very different, their skin is the complete opposite of theirs...the list of differences goes on. so naturally, the existing people of the new world thought of the african as something other than human.

back in those days, no one wanted to be friends with a black person. blacks were seen as demons or animals.

but most importantly, back then, and even today, there was no unity amongst blacks.
May 16, 2012
Wh black people out of all other races.

Your question has no answer because its based on a fallacy.

Black people were not the only race ever enslaved. Every race has at some point been enslaved. Black people were just the LAST.

A better question would be why were only black people enslaved from the 16th to 19th century in the Western Hemisphere? Cause that is the question you really want answered.

The main answer to that question is because Africans were immune from the diseases of the old world that the Europeans brought with them to the Americas that was killing off the Indians. If you don't remember, the Europeans initially tried to enslave the Indians when they took over the Americas. Especially in places like the Caribbean where Columbus first landed. When the Spanish got to Hispaniola (old name for the island of Haiti and the Domincan Republic) for example, they tried to enslave the Taino Indians that occupied the Island. The Taino had no defense to the diseases the Spanish brought over and they also couldn't withstand the brutality of the work in the plantations that they were almost all killed. You should read Howard Zinn's book "A People's History of the United States." The first few chapters of the book do a great job in covering the brutality of the Spanish in the Caribbean when it came to enslavement of the Taino (who alot of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans claim ancestry from). This is probably the best book on the history of America because it doesn't gloss over the impact of white supremacy on American history.

A second reason Africans were enslaved over the Indians or other races is because of the experience Africans had with farming in a tropical climate. Remember most slaves went to Brazil and the Caribbean. And both those places are very similar to West Africa in terms of climate. This made the transition to working in those fields easier than bringing someone from lets say Europe or Asia who would not be able to withstand working in those brutal conditions. And finally the most important reason only Africans were enslaved in the Americas is LOCATION. West Africa is right across from South America. Sailing from there to the Americas is quick and easy (in terms of travel in that day and age). If Europeans couldn't enslave the Indians to work in the fields, Africans were really the only other choice. Going to Asia or Australia would cost more because of the distance even if Asians and Australians were capable of doing the work.
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Feb 5, 2016
Your question has no answer because its based on a fallacy.

Black people were not the only race ever enslaved. Every race has at some point been enslaved. Black people were just the LAST.

A better question would be why were only black people enslaved from the 16th to 19th century in the Western Hemisphere? Cause that is the question you really want answered.

The main answer to that question is because Africans were immune from the diseases of the old world that the Europeans brought with them to the Americas that was killing off the Indians. If you don't remember, the Europeans initially tried to enslave the Indians when they took over the Americas. Especially in places like the Caribbean where Columbus first landed. When the Spanish got to Hispaniola (old name for the island of Haiti and the Domincan Republic) for example, they tried to enslave the Taino Indians that occupied the Island. The Taino had no defense to the diseases the Spanish brought over and they also couldn't withstand the brutality of the work in the plantations that they were almost all killed. You should read Howard Zinn's book "A People's History of the United States." The first few chapters of the book do a great job in covering the brutality of the Spanish in the Caribbean when it came to enslavement of the Taino (who alot of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans claim ancestry from). This is probably the best book on the history of America because it doesn't gloss over the impact of white supremacy on American history.

A second reason Africans were enslaved over the Indians or other races is because of the experience Africans had with farming in a tropical climate. Remember most slaves went to Brazil and the Caribbean. And both those places are very similar to West Africa in terms of climate. This made the transition to working in those fields easier than bringing someone from lets say Europe or Asia who would not be able to withstand working in those brutal conditions. And finally the most important reason only Africans were enslaved in the Americas is LOCATION. West Africa is right across from South America. Sailing from there to the Americas is quick and easy (in terms of travel in that day and age). If Europeans couldn't enslave the Indians to work in the fields, Africans were really the only other choice. Going to Asia or Australia would cost more because of the distance even if Asians and Australians were capable of doing the work.

What otther people was enslaved for 400 years


Dec 22, 2014
Lets be honest and maybe slightly racist.......at 14 I was bigger than most Asians and Mexicans....they are a small and weak people while we are much more physically capable. There was no option really. its also not that whites wouldnt do the work but that the slave owners wanted a bigger profit so slavery was the way to go.


Aug 29, 2014
Your question has no answer because its based on a fallacy.

Black people were not the only race ever enslaved. Every race has at some point been enslaved. Black people were just the LAST.

A better question would be why were only black people enslaved from the 16th to 19th century in the Western Hemisphere? Cause that is the question you really want answered.

The main answer to that question is because Africans were immune from the diseases of the old world that the Europeans brought with them to the Americas that was killing off the Indians. If you don't remember, the Europeans initially tried to enslave the Indians when they took over the Americas. Especially in places like the Caribbean where Columbus first landed. When the Spanish got to Hispaniola (old name for the island of Haiti and the Domincan Republic) for example, they tried to enslave the Taino Indians that occupied the Island. The Taino had no defense to the diseases the Spanish brought over and they also couldn't withstand the brutality of the work in the plantations that they were almost all killed. You should read Howard Zinn's book "A People's History of the United States." The first few chapters of the book do a great job in covering the brutality of the Spanish in the Caribbean when it came to enslavement of the Taino (who alot of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans claim ancestry from). This is probably the best book on the history of America because it doesn't gloss over the impact of white supremacy on American history.

A second reason Africans were enslaved over the Indians or other races is because of the experience Africans had with farming in a tropical climate. Remember most slaves went to Brazil and the Caribbean. And both those places are very similar to West Africa in terms of climate. This made the transition to working in those fields easier than bringing someone from lets say Europe or Asia who would not be able to withstand working in those brutal conditions. And finally the most important reason only Africans were enslaved in the Americas is LOCATION. West Africa is right across from South America. Sailing from there to the Americas is quick and easy (in terms of travel in that day and age). If Europeans couldn't enslave the Indians to work in the fields, Africans were really the only other choice. Going to Asia or Australia would cost more because of the distance even if Asians and Australians were capable of doing the work.
I think Puerto Rican and especially Dominican Taino Ancestry is overstated. Also Africans were not totally immune to diseases
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