false, there's actually a thread recently made about how @PhonZhi, myself and others "blame hip hop" for the condition of the Black community.
Young Thug is an amazing artist and I enjoy the genius of his artistry, that doesn't change the fact the some of the content of his music is a "detriment". We discuss hip-hop here because this happens to be a hip-hop forum, what discussion does is provoke thought and enlighten people.
I'm not up all night on tiny chat (unfortunately), I consider many of the people who frequent the coli's Tinychat as family and friends, and I miss having awesome discussions with them.
I actually avoid coming into contact with Black people (including family) unless it's to do something constructive, the last time I was around my family was a few days ago when I was getting fitted for a tux for my cousin's wedding, otherwise I wouldn't have been around at all. I'm not interested in kicking back and saying whatever comes to mind unless it's online where the potential for real world damage is minimal.
The BBQ itself or any other event isn't necessarily dysfunctional, but the participants and the activities they partake in, might be. Getting drunk at a BBQ is non-constructive, it doesn't necessarily mean that something will pop off because people are getting drunk but it does mean the odds are increased. Black people "jokingly" do a lot of name calling and saying disparaging things to each other under the guise of "just playing" and it's extremely harmful, there's nothing positive about it and it doesn't create an atmosphere that fosters genuine bonding or "love".
I don't strongly believe that Black people "can't" do something that they're clearly capable of doing, what I do strongly believe is that Black people should avoid each other unless coming together to do something constructive, if you minimize contact, you dramatically reduce the probability of there being any conflict, in my experience, Black people don't like to resolve their problems with their words once arguments or conflict begins, and it can quickly lead to violence, something we as a group should avoid at all costs, including but not limited to staying the fukk away from each other unless you're doing something of constructive value, hanging out with friends with nothing planned is non-constructive and it many circumstances can lead to a non-constructive outcome.
So you believe Black people can't come to together without violence. Yet you haven't explained why you think that is.
I think you've been doing a little to much research (

Besides, as some one who only leaves the house for "constructive" reasons how would you know anyway? Because that's what the media tells you? Because that's what the supremacist sites you lurk say? You mentioned itraracial crime stats earlier but what those stats don't tell you is how much of those crimes are a result of harmless fun versus gang warfare.
And you keep assuming that all Black people are capable of getting angry enough over scuffed sneakers or mean mugging to murder someone.
You think a bunch of geeky Black guys can't get together and play video games without someone dying?
You believe that a group of holistic "earthy type Black females can't get together and go painting?
You think that artsy tpe Black people can't chill at a spoken word concert?
Why do you keep assuming that all Black people like the same things? (Unhealthy food, raucous parties, alcohol, drugs)
Why should Black people who don't harm anyone or even help their communities be punished for what mostly gang members do?