- jack off to asian anime porn
- listen to and ruin black music (rap, rock, etc)
- obsess over japanese videogames
- stay on black websites even though they have millions of sites for their race
- always chasing Asian girls (that's the only demographic who makes them feel like they have a big dikk)
- always typing in black slang
- etc
Seriously... not even trolling... why do they always seek out other groups that don't even want to be around them?
Some whites are down with this other whites aren't. There's whites that want to be perceived as "bad boys" so they have no choice but to fukk with blacks/Hispanics. Whites have the privilege of fukking with any race because of slavery/colonialism, people usually have the subconscious mindset that white is right. People do not do this subconsciously so I can't blame them, but this is a direct result of the world being dominated by whites. They just have the privilege of doing certain things that other groups can't hence the term "white privilege" . I am not in anyway saying that it is right, it's unfortunately just the way it is.