Why are we still impressed by Jedi if their entire clan was murked out in one scene by STORMTROOPERS

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
for those saying 'they're clones' how does that matter if all they did was turn and shoot? what magic clone powers were used?
The difference is Storm Troopers are you, me and anybody else who believe in the Empire enough to sign up and pass basic training.

Clone troopers are perfectly grown from the genetic material of the greatest non force wielding warrior in galaxy.
Then from before birth they are implanted with a subconscious order to KILL ALL JEDI at a moments notice....and not any moment either....an exact moment:youngsabo:... remember that part it'll come in handy later.
The once born they are mentally, physically and spiritually trained for war and nothing else.... by the same man who gave them life
their entire lifespan has been sped up to reach fighting age in 1\4 time so that when they they are needed they will be ready.

And when they were needed, they showed up and showed tf out:whoo:

See the end of episode 2 attack of the clones for reference ,better yet I got you:youngsabo:

Had the Jedi like "Gahdamn we woulda got wiped out had it not been for this clone army:whew:
"Thank the force for this clone army for saving us yall, :blessed:
Let's trust them immediately and not even question where tf they came from":yeshrug::mjlol:
Which was all apart of the grand design of one of the greatest villains ever created:demonic:

For they were not truly created to win a war...... only to fight it:steviej:
What they were truly created for, was killing Jedi:banderas:

So they fought this proxy war alongside the Jedi, learning them, befriending them, bonding with them, bonds so strong that some were briefly able to fight thier absolute subconscious programming...but it was brief , because the programming was absolute, from before they were even born.
Execute order 66

All of them, Every single one. All. At. Once.

I don't care if it's in the middle of war.
I don't care if you on security in the temple.
If you in a jungle, an ice planet, a desert planet.
In a plane, In a train, in space , on a boat.
It don't matter...you see a Jedi. KILL IT! NOW!

Jedi ain't been training to fight clones:usure:

Why would they be? They had god dam ever evolving battle droids and a decreasing number of Jedi to worry about.
A lot of Jedi died during the clone wars...so did clones....thing with that is, you can always make more clones:ld:
Simply finding younglings to secure a future was a desperate battle for the Jedi sometimes, they're a lot harder to come by.
It was an extinction agenda, perfectly planned.
And carried out by the greatest army the galaxy has ever seen, the ones that laid that unknowingly groundwork for the Empire:ufdup:
They made every droid you could imagine to kill these muthafukkas and it still ain't work.

They had one mission, Wipe the Jedi and their religion out and they fulfilled it

Clone troopers>>>>>>>>>>>Storm troopers.
Jedi may be overrated, but the clones ain't jobbers with guns lol, far from it.:salute:
Dec 27, 2017
Most of the powerful Jedi on Coruscant were already dead (Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu & Saesee Tiin). The majority of the Jedi were off-world fighting against the Separatist army. What you saw killed in the temple was a skeleton crew.

Anakin took out Cin Drallig, the Jedi Battlemaster, first and then killed Shaak Ti who was in her chambers. There were probably at most a tenth of the Jedi at the temple, if that. That's not the only Jedi temple by the way. There are four canon ones (Devraron, Ilum, Tython, Vrogas Vas) and dozens of non-canon ones (Dantooine, Ossus, etc.).


Vol. 9: Trapped
Staff member
May 1, 2012
The WORST most UNQUALIFIED characters in movie history. Their aim is literally a cliche. Clones killed every fukkin jedi with NO casualties. They may as well have been Biggs or Wedge. Just BODIED.

So why are any Jedi impressive other than Yoda, Obi, Anakin, Luke, and Kylo Ren? Rey i guess but fukk her natural unearned magic powers.

The FORCE didn't tell them the clones they were rolling with turned guns on them?

