Let me bring you up to speed. Not joking, keeping it 100
Madden has gamers all over playing on the daily, for money. With each other
Thats how men roll son.
Thats not official, thats just how we been doing it for decades.
Now, official Madden Tournaments have been going on for the longest, they have sponcered TV shows
The Madden Challenge is what its called. They had a show on MTV
You could participate at random NFL games they would host
You really have no idea about this stuff. Bruh, the Xbox 360 has a Tournament app that allows you to play vs your friends and bet real money on games head to head, anytime of day.
They have tournaments going on every day, every week. For prize money. LIke 100K
You don't have to be the best out of 1billion players, with millions lacking lives cuz they play 22hrs a day
So you not winning that money and winning at life breh
But gaming isn't about tournaments or winning money. Its about having fun with the games, with the innovation.
The PC games that are popular are not innovative. They are lame weirdo games that all look the same.
One game your satan, the other game your a mage or some shyt. All doing the same bullshyt grinding gaming that I would literally beat my kids ass if I ever caught them getting into that lame shyt
Not even joking, I'd yank the powercord straight out that bytch and be like
And I would think of you right in that instance and go

I just dodged one
Says the guy named Mr. Pink