Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Lol, I bet the Asians do better.
South Korea and Japan's approach to education is super intense and bordering inhumane. Kids attend school for absurdly long hours and barely get a chance to enjoy life and play outside. The Finnish approach is superior since it's more laid back and they don't revolve their curriculum around testing. Some of the expensive private schools in France and Switzerland have a similar approach where kids frequently take trips and engage in various outdoor activities. The kids are generally happy and smarter -- not lifeless robots who can regurgitate every single word in a textbook. Notice how Japan/South Korea has a high suicide rate.
Meanwhile in America we train our kids to become 9-to-5 cubicle slaves in a debt-based society which discourages individuality and free thinking. They grow up to be overweight and have a menial job all while being obsessed with football.