Why are all of the reparations bills happening in Democrat states/cities?


Mar 11, 2022
yall quote this as if its some major moment

it was an accurate statement.
:russ: Not disrespect but you are not seeing the game being played. When was the last time you heard leaders or people from the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus or the Congressional Hispanic Caucus echo those same words? They don't. Folks like Kamala say "all" people so they don't have to address issues specifically to black Americans. Don't play checks when others are playing chess breh.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
:russ: Not disrespect but you are not seeing the game being played. When was the last time you heard leaders or people from the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus or the Congressional Hispanic Caucus echo those same words? They don't. Folks like Kamala say "all" people so they don't have to address issues specifically to black Americans. Don't play checks when others are playing chess breh.
How are you playing chess by focusing on an issue that will never happen nationally? I see Asian Americans throwing their weight around and getting actual shyt done, even when it means crossing against the party they tend to be involved with (democrats). I see Hispanics doing the same. I constantly see black people content to be nothing more than the last rubber stamp on whatever The Party tells them to support. While being content with the sentimental or identity-based rewards that follow. Here's a black judge, here's a federal building named after a black person, etc.

I'm not saying don't vote, or vote for the other guys. I always vote and I vote for democrats in all the big local/state/fed elections since they're closest to my views or interests. But we're watching black people get lapped by multiple groups and watching the cementing of black people as a permanent underclass. And we're too happy to watch it happen while these people play in our face.

I've said it before but these Asians, Hispanics etc don't owe black people shyt and as the white liberals die off you're gonna be left contenting with groups that are solely interested in advancing themselves. With no white guilt to exploit.


Mar 11, 2022
How are you playing chess by focusing on an issue that will never happen nationally? I see Asian Americans throwing their weight around and getting actual shyt done, even when it means crossing against the party they tend to be involved with (democrats). I see Hispanics doing the same. I constantly see black people content to be nothing more than the last rubber stamp on whatever The Party tells them to support. While being content with the sentimental or identity-based rewards that follow. Here's a black judge, here's a federal building named after a black person, etc.

I'm not saying don't vote, or vote for the other guys. I always vote and I vote for democrats in all the big local/state/fed elections since they're closest to my views or interests. But we're watching black people get lapped by multiple groups and watching the cementing of black people as a permanent underclass. And we're too happy to watch it happen while these people play in our face.

I've said it before but these Asians, Hispanics etc don't owe black people shyt and as the white liberals die off you're gonna be left contenting with groups that are solely interested in advancing themselves. With no white guilt to exploit.
I agree with your assessment but you are missing my point. Those other groups on a federal level specifically state they are helping their own. When it comes to the Congressional Black Caucus (or statements like Kamala's), it's about "all" people. That is what I was referring to. Also I didn't imply they owe us anything. What is different is they have representation and blacks don't. We just have cheerleaders.