It's the suger
Suger is proven to make fat
so can too much salt, which can retain water
And oil. Which can literally lead to excess calorie consumption
It's the suger
Suger is proven to make fat
I think it's the suger Japanese food has tons of sodium and they don't have our fat can too much salt, which can retain water
And oil. Which can literally lead to excess calorie consumption
I think it's the suger Japanese food has tons of sodium and they don't have our fat problems.
Before watching the video and as a dude who lives there:
1. Their portion sizes are waaay smaller than ours in America. A medium pizza from Pizza Hut is the size of a small stateside, and that shyt has a thin crust.
2. They prioritize serving healthy food over junk food / sweets.
3. Their convenience stores are loaded with semi-healthy or healthy items. They have sweets and junk food, but their sweets are... less sweet. It tastes more "natural", if you want to call it that.
4. They use more natural ingredients, and they really don't season their food nearly as much as we do.
5. Them níggas walk everywhere. It's deadass at least 3 convenience stores located within a quarter-mile from EVERY residential area (you know, the ones that serve healthy shít.) If the train station is 25 minutes away, they'll walk it without a care in the world. If you take a trip to Tokyo, you'll deadass forget how much you've been walking. I went last weekend and I cleared 15,000 steps before my feet started to hurt.
6. Fat people get shamed over here. To be fat is to be unattractive pretty much universally in Japan, so when they actually hit the gym, 90% of people will just do cardio.
7. They eat a ton rice with every meal. Rice is low in calories, but high in carbs, so you'll have the energy to walk everywhere while feeling full on a low-calorie diet. Matter of fact, Japanese cuisine is generally low in calories. Ramen expands in your stomach, so you'll get full quickly, and it's a low-calorie dish, which leads me to my last point.
8. The good food is cheap. A big ass bowl of Ramen is usually ¥800-¥1000, which is $6-7... add some Gyoza (pot stickers) and that shoots your total price up to a whopping ¥1200, which is $8.
It's the suger
Suger is proven to make fat
Fat people waddling around everywhere is just an American thing.