“I’m Sorry for 2025”
Longer version:

If you want to look up more, the guy’s name is Johann Hari.
US food is genetically modified trash, then pumped full of salt and oils for flavoring..
didnt click but i assume its this
Longer version:
If you want to look up more, the guy’s name is Johann Hari.
It's not thatUS food is genetically modified trash, then pumped full of salt and oils for flavoring..
It's not that
We have alot of sugar in alot of our food
It's the sugerSalt, Sugar and Oil..
It's really this simple. No one in the US needs to walk, everything is too spread out and we all have cars.i rarely see fat people in uganda as well, because most people walk alot and eat fruits and veggies and not alot of frozen foods