Page looks like a legit 6 foot. Cole isn't that at all, as evidenced by: Ciampa being his height, Owens being taller than him, and Finn being taller than him. Dijak looks like the goddamned Undertaker standing next to him.
But also... I mean, it's about what they're doing. Cole isn't tall by any stretch, or have half of Ciampa's physique, but he looks like what he is - someone with a big mouth and a bunch of squirrely-ass friends he'd have no issue calling in to make a 1-on-1 fade a mugging.
And that'll have legs, until it doesn't. And in the E, everyone has to do their run as face and heel, even if they're natural heels like Orton or natural faces like Bryan. Some don't work, like the former, others work better than they have any right to, like the latter.
I'll eat crow it if I ever see it, but I don't believe Cole has legs as a babyface.
Page needs to start working in some tights, get a bit of an edge to him, and work that cowboy asskicker thing until it bumps up against some borderline heel things, and I think he'd work just fine. He needs to learn from PAC and pull some of the flippy shyt out of his moveset, watch some Hansen to learn how to much a motherfukker when he needs to, and I think he can go far on either side of the alignment line. Two years from now, if Hangman Page isn't coming out for one of their big PPVs looking like fukking Hooded Justice from Watchmen to a huge pop as he chases that top title... AEW has fukked up, because he can be made if they make him. But I definitely think he'd be made if they could get him a mouthpiece.
Another example of idiocy and personal grievances ruining business to be done, mostly from one side here granted... but in an alternate reality, Cornette talking up a borderline heel Page who is out there stomping motherfukkers and throwing that buckshot lariat to say, a Fenix who'd sell that shyt with half a phoenix splash... that's someone that people are going to want to see, even if it's just to loathe him and pray that someone puts him in his place.
As it stand though, Cole has more of the needed tools available to him, and he can be a shytheel for years to come, but I don't see him making a face turn work unless dude is gonna get on that Gargano/Ciampa workout plan and is willing to let UE turn on him and beat him down for weeks to build some sympathy up.
(Side note: that'd be a fun angle: KO just takes UE from Cole, goes back to his a$$hole roots, and then you have Cole working against the very thing he'd been using to save him the last few years. Owens can be a heel like he definitely should be, and you can try the Adam Cole babyface run in NXT before they have to find out if it'll work in an environment where he's working mostly against guys bigger than him. Then, if you need to have UE come back together before they go to the main, so be it, but honestly I don't think it needs to happen. Fish/KOR are more than solid just in a tag division, and Roddy could realistically carry 205 on his back, especially if they, say... had Marina with him in a similar way to what NWA is doing with Kamilla; just have a silent badass - in her case, a legit shootfighter - out there kicking dudes from behind and shyt, knowing she can't be hit back because obviously.)
Two years from now, if Hangman Page isn't coming out for one of their big PPVs looking like fukking Hooded Justice from Watchmen to a huge pop as he chases that top title... AEW has fukked up, because he can be made if they make him.
With those two the issue isn't the fact they're short. Daniel Bryan and Gargano are short but they look their natural height.
Page and Cole look like they should be taller than they are. Like their heads are too big and their legs are too short. They look disproportioned or some shyt. It's weird.
to be fair, it was mostly just a joke reference to when he... came out with a noose around his neck in NJPW, lol.
Calling himself the Hangman doesn't work, nevermind the imagery. At least if he's wearing the noose it's less bad than hearing the name and figuring he out here stringing people up. lol.
To be fair... I vividly remember some segment that involved the Elite where they were talking about him at 6'5 and moving like a cruiserweight... so they were definitely working motherfukkers if cuh really 6' even... though, that'd probably just be them helping put themselves over. I swear it was Cody talking him up during that Full Gear stuff, though. I swear I thought dude was much taller than this.
With those two the issue isn't the fact they're short. Daniel Bryan and Gargano are short but they look their natural height.
Page and Cole look like they should be taller than they are. Like their heads are too big and their legs are too short. They look disproportioned or some shyt. It's weird.
So Cole is crazy over tho and main eventing shows...while page page is losing to fat 49 year olds and winning battle royales with billy gunn on midcard status
The thing is Adam Cole lifts dudes... he is small but he has picked up some big guys and hit them with that neck on the knee suplex joint.
. Correct me if I'm wrong but he hit dijakovic with it... it's not about being small it's about the way you wrestle
Compare Lio Rush and Marko Stunt... Lio has style to his midgetry
Cole is pretty much the perfect chickenshyt heel. He is a great worker, can work with pretty much everyone.
Page can easily be on that asskicker type energy because he moves well, can hit hard, and it just accentuates the whole cowboy thing. However, like a breh earlier said, he needs to take some flippy shyt out his moveset and just beat a motherfukker up. Less flips, more fists, word to the Revival.
I'm not sure who will be bigger because I think both have what it takes to make that main event jump.
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