@Kuwka_Atcha_Ratcha @Orbital-Fetus @The Fukin Prophecy @Front 2 Back @Blankthawtz @ltheghost @Zebruh @el_oh_el @chemicalsword @HHR @JMurder @satam55 @Carné Asada @GzUpHoEzDwN @MurdaMa$$ @Toe Jay Simpson @Responsible Allen Iverson @kash10003 @bsmooth @The Phoenix @Red Maverick Reloaded @GoldenGlove @Mr. Somebody @Talkofnewyork @cfountain @Pinyapplesuckas @Ralph Wiggum @ThiefyPoo @Two Stacks @marcuz @The Great One @IronFist @KushSkywalker @CTech83 @winb83 @beaniemac @MMSex
Nah I think they all went down with that site...@The Fukin Prophecy you don't have the rest of those shyts stashed anywhere breh?
i've listened to that used bed song over 10 times now. whats the original song?