Who Was the Best Wrestler of the Past Decade?

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
It's not. Him n Paul have been doing the same 10 minute promo and spaming suplexes for the last 5 years. Do you really get hyped for Brock Lesnar still?
:mjgrin:Because i know, like the Mark Henry go, that sombody gonna get they ass kicked!:pachaha::feedme:
Its like Deebo on the beach cruiser comin down:skip:
As far as him and Heymans shtick goes....its wrestling, thats the way lol
When Paul says "My name...is Paul Heyman!" The audience, every audience chants thats shyt too, so its not like they not with it
Lets guys get their Offense in before he inevitably crushes them as we've seen in his real fights...(Mir, Carwin) adding to the believability
Takes the baddest dudes Orton,Reigns etc and Handles, no Manhandles them.
Has good matches with everyone he paired up with, what else ya want?
Taker ran with the same ol same ol forever and if you look at Brock like the new Undertaker like i do, not gimmick wise but more like this force of destruction that needs a gimmick to be defeated, then its not hard to figure why i think he's the best wrestler on TV:manny:
But i know im biased lol im not blind to it ....I was a huge mark for Harley Race+Vader combo back in the day, so if you follow that trail..it leads to Heyman+Lesnar.. Harley Race warned you Vader was gonna fukking cripple you:ufdup:...and then Vader proceeded to do just that:banderas:


rip chinx
Aug 14, 2013
:mjgrin:Because i know, like the Mark Henry go, that sombody gonna get they ass kicked!:pachaha::feedme:
Its like Deebo on the beach cruiser comin down:skip:
As far as him and Heymans shtick goes....it wrestling, thats the way lol
When Paul says "My name...is Paul Heyman!" The audience, every audience chants thats shyt too, so its not like they not with it
Lets guys get there Offense in before he inevitably crushes them as we've seen in his real fights...(Mir, Carwin) adding to the believability
Takes the baddest dudes Orton,Reigns etc and Handles, no Manhandles them.
Has good matches with everyone he paired up with, what else ya want?
Taker ran with the same ol same ol forever and if you look at Brock like the new Undertaker like i do, not gimmick wise but more like this force of destruction that needs a gimmick to be defeated, then its not hard to figure why i think he's the best wrestler on TV:manny:
But i know im biased lol im not blind to it ....I was a huge mark for Harley Race+Vader combo back in the day, so if you follow that trail..it leads to Heyman+Lesnar.. Harley Race warned you Vader was gonna fukking cripple you:ufdup:...and then Vader proceeded to do just that:banderas:

I'll take Vader over Brock every day. Putting it the undertaker way I kinda see it now, sadly. Still, fukk brock


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
No mention of Tana yet :gucci:



Okada is my pick. I missed the misfire push he got when he came back from TNA and Japanese crowds weren't fukking with him like that. I got to watch him go from losing to Tana at WK 9 and leaving the arena like :sadbron:to becoming That Dude. His series with Omega was great, but the Shibata match is the stuff of legend.
May 13, 2013
Capsule Corp
if we talking strictly kayfabe its brock, he won mad world titles and ended takers streak

cena, reigns and rollins could be somewhere in the mix too

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
the name that should be said on here.
as a dark horse should be :

Jay lethal

art Barr

aj, i said was potentially the goat.
in the run after the original can aj beat Daniels series. as early as 2001.

Yet to be really honest after that from 2009 till now.

it is lethal.

best promo as the lead for a org
Best real world advertisement endorsement works
best theme song as a heel champion
best regular band dial tv series of matches
arguable best run with multiple titles
best run of title defenses
Best pop for a gateway casual viewer to view finish.
best run of multiple title defenses.
best booked run over a mutual high workrate similar booked in-house elevated champion, jay Briscoe.
best booked promotional workrate and overall quality promotion lead

imo, equals lethal has been the best of the decade.

only program i can think of that was that dope.
or better as a program was tha bdc mvp swerve.
where the company booked the program.
like it wanted it to occur.
instead of kicking and screaming the entire way.

past that, Imo the lethal Gresham match series.
has been the best gateway freetv matches of the decade.
for casuals to watch wrasslin whether black or white.
plus lethal has the best new gen gateway bridge encounter of all time.
with ric flair as his gateway. That imo in the 2000's.
is the best new gateway to wrasslin promo or program to give any casual.
So it may not be this decade but last decade.
that was the moment of the decade.
The moment of this decade is, Daniel Bryan winning mania.
signaling the indies hero of wrasslin had won.

yet if you asked me the guy of the decade.
I would have to lean to lethal.
as lethal could have just been the flair guy.
Yet when you look at the resume.
it says at the very least darkhorse talent of the decade.

art barr

Imo, if lethal, aries, punk, db, aj, mcguiness were ever in aew.
It would be over for the wwe.
as those are the core guys needed.
to casuals to make that difference.
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Cartier Murphy

Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
May 10, 2015
Okada, Styles, Tanahashi, Cena, Omega are all in the conversation. Bryan too but that 3 year retirement puts him a little lower.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Following peaks and troughs from 2010-2019, it has to be Daniel Bryan... this is a guy who's too good at what he does to be denied, and his main WWE run began at the start of this decade.

He dead-ass needs a ten-year retrospective/highlight-reel. We've been eating good off all that's gone on between him winning the United States Championship in '10 against Miz to the modern-day face and heel classic against Kofi for the WWE Championship in '19

Man has stayed humble and positive through it all. And reminded us to recycle :blessed:

actually, wwe by proxy.
of their purposeful negative burial declining draw dynamic based practices.
actually stifled Bryan Danielson wholeheartedly as daniel bryan.
by making the workrate so condensed.
from when Danielson was the workrate arguable goat tied with aj.
So the son in law and any other inhouse created wwe bum could keep up.
that I have to count that window from Daniel Bryan.
having to create the last windfall of the indy heroes winning.
when and how bryan went to the main event of mania and also winning.
yet from that time to now.
counting as closing out the decade.
i have to count that window of time.
as being relevent of high importance to the discussion.
which counts as a period of non-activity because of injury.
or in this cause a complete neg void in workrate quality.
coupled with the wwe purposeful burial declining draw dynamic.
which is why i went with lethal over aj and db.

aj was already pretty much just being in the larger promotions away.
from being the goat by any criteria worth discussing.
where at this point,...
there is no need to even further discuss the goat of wrasslin anymore ever.
As the wrasslin goat is, aj styles.
moving forward and in the foreseeable future.
yet if Bryan was capable of maneuvering the admin or health issues.
plus work behind the curtain.
to avoid the obvious ensuing wwe burial.
from declining Bryan's draw by systematic kitchen sink.
to the full toolshed, by the way of the shovel meets burial based proxy.
or the quite simply, the wwe purposeful burial decling draw dynamic.

with lethal,..
jay endured the period of decline of draw by proxy from a promotion.
as roh has seriously had issues with promotions and consistent quality booking.
yet during those down periods of this decade.
lethal has been a key cog consistently.
on the books of roh as a lenchpin re-establishing some beacon of quality gain.
to the roh promotion and the boom of numerous smaller and larger indy scene promotions by proxy as well.
plus, re-elevated others by putting them over.
or having a program centered around workrate.
to put over whomever lethal was cross ring from.
plus provide workrate company workhorse rub and draw.
to said person opposite him via work.
on top of doing the higher quality character work via promo or vignette.
with lesser quality vehicles in administration and lower number of quality parts.
from production to capital promotion cost being inferior, as well.
especially in comparison to the larger promotions.
limiting the draws of any and everything globally centered or attached to wrasslin.
to such an extent.
that the lesser promotions have a window of opportunity.
to create and amplify a higher quality product based draw.
within this lower burial quality of the wwe as well.
which is why in that wwe mainstream casual negative declining draw based dynamic.
the indie heroes who saved wrasslin.
eventually were forced by the wwe declining draw based dynamic.
to align with the wwe by proxy.
in that compromise of those dynamics being at play.
simply because of the wwe's former monopoly.
it caused the former Indy hero goat candidates.
to have to compromise by proxy.
to the wwe negative declining draw based dynamic.
which in turn lowered all of wrasslin's overall fluid innovative creative based dynamic.
Which was made into a thing.
by and from the innovative impact of the Daniels aj workrate series.
which would be the series.
that created the windfall.
that eventually would topple the wwe monopoly.
thus destroying the former wwe smash mouth son in law mainevent west texas rednrck midstlantic clique in-ring workrate style.
which was lifted from the former past two goats in the flair and his protege, scsa.
Then and amalgamated in lower quality by the son in law, cripple ache.

if not for the wwe declining draw and son in law dynamics.
being at play in every facet of the wwe former industry based monopoly.
causing negative career declining draw globally to every facet of wrasslin.
a play could have been made for a number of wrasslers.
to say they were a major decade all time great and best of the time period consistently.

if lashey was elevated to brock status immediately in wwe.
I would have said lashley.

as lashley still has a higher quality series of matches and program character than lesnar in tna.
of which if we compare lashley has been better, than the typical and obvious lesnar pick.
as both , lesnar and lashley.
mirror one another in exact principal.
via program as a characters and on screen works.
plus lashley, as a character.
in tna formerly, had a larger and much higher sample scale size as a on screen character.
plus numerous individual focused content chracter based programs.
which lead to numerous classic series of back to back matches and character based programs.
week to week, twice in three different top face of the promotion programs.
in two tna and wwe company directional and content based re-launches.
that both mirror one another in basic similar premise to easily compare the two outside race as a simple difference.
in those programs,.. lashley was not carried.
as lesnar was carried match to main event singles match.
where lesnar has likely been carried in three to four company major relaunches.
in that comparison lesnar is not near lashley in real discussion.
nor was lashley shackled by the confines of the wwe negative purposeful burial declining draw dynamic in tna.

I could easily have said lashley, was the guy of the decade.
if not for the elephant in the room being.
the purposeful burial declining draw dynamic of the wwe.

a play could have been made, rather easily.
as well, for drew McIntyre in the super heavy convo.
cage would have also been a name i would have pointed to.
if cage was around longer.
in a much larger nonhated on space promotion to promotion.
Cage could also have gain note in the discussion for that best of the decade dynamic.

if aries never went to the wwe. I could have said Aries as a dark horse as well.
yet that injury offset his trajectory.
during the wwe talent raid of the indie heroes during the former monopoly.

I also would have made simple plays for:
the ace

yet all are more or less the same.
when compared to cena to orton and lesnar domestically in perception in Asia.
yet aj went and exposed all of Japan in his bullet club run.
further creating and distancing himself as the obvious heir.
to the title of goat.
as aj seized the impending goat title.
As soon as his wwe contract during the former monopoly was signed.
plus debuted as the eventual face of the promotion.
during a period of the wwe former industry controlled monopoly.
Which is why i eliminated any other indy promotion guy from across the pond.

if roode never went to wwe.
roode, could have had a shot at this as well.
as roode is still a better booking choice character in basic premise than the son in law himself cripple ache. So as soon as roode via the former monopoly was signed to the wwe. Roode was definitely going to face the purposeful declining draw burial dynamic.
totally housed and fully ingrained in the totality of the wwe.

if punk never rightfully took his ball and went home.
I could have said punk easily too.
as punk was one of the very few of the indy heroes who saved wrasslin.
Who stylistically and originally brought the indy hero style to the wwe.
plus, punk was capable of working a smash mouth indy amalgamated derivative style of work.
within punk's own higher quality draw dynamic.
amongst the son in law's defiant in-house wwe burial declining draw dynamic.
That politically and passive aggressive administrative coup based wars of attrition.
punk would succumb to.
where eventually, in good faith and health being withheld in that wwe company dynamic was lost. In that systematic purposeful burial decline of a draw dynamic based environment.
with the wwe beig a company withholding simple basic rights.
punk was going to be eventually forced.
to rightfully take his ball and go home.

whEn i really think about it.

plus all those factors at play.
plus the obvious wwe monopoly..taking center stage in this discussion.
as a cause to definite quality markers.
not being consistently kept by hof legendary workers.

Lethal is the guy, this decade.

Art Barr
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May 19, 2014
Nakamura had the best match of the decade and his impact is massive.

Cena and Okada round out the top 3

Glad to see cena get so much love


May 8, 2012
Ibushi should be mentioned and Shibata during the latter half of the decade was on fire

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
actually wwe actually stifled Bryan Danielson by making the workrate so condensed.
from when he was the workrate arguable goat tied with aj.
So the son in law and any other inhouse created wwe bum could keep up.
that I have to count that window from Daniel Bryan.
having to create the last windfall of thr indy heroes winning from me mania and winning.
yet from that time to now.
counting as closing out tbr decade.
i have to count as a complete neg void in workrate quality.
which is why i went with lethal over aj and db.

aj was already pretty much just being in the larger promotions away.
from being the goat by any criteria worth discussing.
yet if Bryan was capable of maneuvering the admin or health issues.
plus work behind the curtain.
to avoid the obvious ensuing wwe burial.
from declining Bryan's draw by systematic kitchen sink.
to the full toolshed by the way of the shovel meets burial based proxy.
with lethal,..
jay endured the period of decline of draw by proxy from a promotion.
plus, re-elevated others by putting them over.
or having a program centered around workrate.
to put over whomever he was cross ring from.
plus provide workrate company workhorse rub and draw to said person opposite him via work.
on top of doing the higher quality character work via promo or vignette.
with lesser quality vehicles in administration and lower number of quality parts well.
in comparison to the larger promotions limiting the draws to such an extent.
that the lesser promotions have a window of opportunity to create and amplify a higher quality product based draw within as well.
if lashey was elevated to brock status immediately in wwe.
I would have said lashley.

as lashley still has higher quality series of matches than lesnar in tna.
as well as drew McIntyre in the super heavy convo.
if cage was around longer in a much larger nonhated on space promotion to promotion. Cage could also have vyed for that.

if aries never went to the wwe. I could have said Aries as a dark horse as well.

if roode never went to wwe.
he could have had a shot at this as well.

if punk never rightfully took his ball and went home.
I could havE said punk easily too.

whEn i really think about it.

Lethal is the guy is decade.

Art Barr

You've got me for the first time :ohhh: I don't agree with your pick but hard to argue against it.