now can you maybe tell us who else you enjoy seeing wrestling? any current feuds that hold yr interest?
For me right now, Any Heyman Guy, Big E, Ziggler, Cena, Bryan, Axel and Shield. The Wyatt family has my attention too.
Cena is #2 behind Punk in this era. Bryan is making a legit push for his spot if he keeps up this current pace though. Sometimes I don't feel as if we really appreciate how good in the ring product is.
Fueds for me would be Shield vs anybody. They could go to war with jimmy wang yang, nunzio and Shannon Moore and make it look good. HHH vs Axel is good, the McMahon involvement brings back some nostalgia. Cena is carrying Ryback to a great feud but I'll admit, Ryback's rambling during promos is highly entertaining.