We get the most random guests here.Tough Enough Winner and 2005 Royal Rumble participant Daniel Puder posted on this board?![]()

We get the most random guests here.Tough Enough Winner and 2005 Royal Rumble participant Daniel Puder posted on this board?![]()
*filed*Yep.. your right on.
And for the back story:
So Angle was working stiff but when someone else did the same, it became a problem. Was he just supposed to get his ass kicked?
Plus Angle just broke someone's ribs so he wasn't playing around.
Puder even tried to shake Kurt hand. Kurt coulda cosigned him. Kurt's sodium level were astronomical. LMAO. every time i see this shyt i start laughing for like 10 minutes straight. Puder prolly did exactly what they told him to do. Then they tried to say he didn't follow the script afterwards.
Puder comments on this just recently, he's still cutting promos on Kurt. And he owns a 3 school school district in Florida now so I don't think he's desperate for attention, he must just hate Kurt.
I never knew that one of his MMA trainers faced Kurt in the Olympics and lost a close match, so he had some experience against top level wrestlers.
"Kurt I get it, you're the All American, super athlete, married the girl next door... you just lived next door to a strip club"![]()