Heath Evans and Marshall Faulk both have extremely unnecessary hate for the Cowboys, so I don't like them
As for commentators, mostly all of the flagship commentators on each station suck. Joe Buck is so dry and unexciting, Flies would get bored listening to him.. Not to mention.. "OVER THE MIDDLE!!!" is the most annoying, overused call by Joe Buck and he still sounds bored when he says it. Troy Aikman is even worse, all he does is agree and reiterate whatever Joe Buck says.
Nantz and Simms suck too. Nantz I can deal with but Simms voice is enough to make me want to shoot myself listening to a CBS game.
I like Al Michaels, but Collinsworth is atrocious.. how this guy has had so many sports jobs over the years is ridiculous.
Mike Turico and Jon Gruden are the best team on TV.. mainly because they have no annoying traits. I don't mind Sam Rosen and Brian Billick either.