She was a terrible wife and annoying.What's Ray Donavan's wife's name? She was by far the worst. lol
Man I don’t know. I might have to go with Wendy, wasn’t she getting slutted out in episode 1 lol. Not to mention she is a shytty mom as well, not to mention her brother. I’m not sure what Skylar did that was worse other than the whole IF’dTed deal
Skylar cheated and got slutted out by her boss Ted. And THEN she had the nerve to brag about it to Walt’s face.
Wendy at least had the “decency” to not parade her whoreness
What's Ray Donavan's wife's name? She was by far the worst. lol
Skylar didn't cheat and Walt refused to leave when she asked for a divorce. A lot of yall get real incel-ish whenever she gets brought up