Who is the most powerful superhero?

Mr Bubbles

May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
:yawn: waiting....

You serious nikka?
Cooler is not canon. Broly is not canon. That destroys all of those feats right there.
Power level doesn't equal physical strength. It only leads to energy output.ma Goku as a kid was able to lift cars and trucks over his head. That is 1-2 tons. He had a power level of 10 when we first met him. So lets say 1 ton=10pl. Goku at base against Freeza had a power level of 300,000 iirc. That means Goku at base should be able to lift a shyt load. Lets go to the Buu saga. When Goku was training he said 2.5 tons on each limb would be impossible.

That shows us power level has nothing to do with physical strength. The fact that Goku is even training with 1 ton on each limb in the first place shows us that that amount of weight is helpful to Goku. You don't train with an amount of weight that wont help you. Comparing shyt that happened before Raditz to shyt that happened after him is completely stupid because Toriyama didn't think it through.

Next. Vegeta's Final Flash didn't hit shyt in the manga. It just shot out into space.
The anime added filler to make it more powerful than it was.

As for Speed the only real feat we have is Gotenks. We can't use him going around the world because we only know that he took 29 minutes to go around a few times and took a nap but no length was given for each task. Gotenks took approximately 1 minute to get to Buu's house from wherever he was with Piccolo. The furthest he could have possibly been was half way across the world. If Buu lives EXACTLY halfway around the world (furthest it could ever be) he's 900 times slower than light (circles Earth 7.5 times per second).

Goku is slower and weaker than every form of Gotenks except base. SS Gotenks is stronger than SS3 Goku. Ultimate Gohan is stronger than SS3 Gotenks. SS Gotenks kept up with Super Buu. SS3 Gotenks demolished Super Buu. Ultimate Gohan demolished Super Buu. Goku said that himself and Vegeta couldn't beat Super Buu.

DBZ characters do not have infinite potential. The Old Kai said that he would unlock all of Gohans power in the Buu Saga. Gohan was stated to always be stronger than Goku and had more potential. Gohan with his potential unlocked is as strong as Gohan could ever be. Goku can never ever get stronger than Gohan in that state without outside interference like fusion or something.

Super Buu 3 with Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo absorbed couldn't stop Vegeta and Goku from having a conversation filled with pauses and Vegeta thinking and bytching. Buu took a while to get them and Goku even commented on Buu approaching fast. If Buu was light speed they wouldn't have been able to talk at all.

Super Buu 3>>>>>Super Buu 2>>>Ultimate Gohan>>>SS3 Gotenks>>>SS Gotenks=Super Buu>>>>SS3 Goku

Gotenks is 900 times slower than light. Super Buu 3 is way slower than the speed of light. Goku is weaker and slower than both. Goku ain't shyt.


May 1, 2012
You serious nikka?
Cooler is not canon. Broly is not canon. That destroys all of those feats right there.
Power level doesn't equal physical strength. It only leads to energy output.ma Goku as a kid was able to lift cars and trucks over his head. That is 1-2 tons. He had a power level of 10 when we first met him. So lets say 1 ton=10pl. Goku at base against Freeza had a power level of 300,000 iirc. That means Goku at base should be able to lift a shyt load. Lets go to the Buu saga. When Goku was training he said 2.5 tons on each limb would be impossible.

That shows us power level has nothing to do with physical strength. The fact that Goku is even training with 1 ton on each limb in the first place shows us that that amount of weight is helpful to Goku. You don't train with an amount of weight that wont help you. Comparing shyt that happened before Raditz to shyt that happened after him is completely stupid because Toriyama didn't think it through.

Next. Vegeta's Final Flash didn't hit shyt in the manga. It just shot out into space.
The anime added filler to make it more powerful than it was.

As for Speed the only real feat we have is Gotenks. We can't use him going around the world because we only know that he took 29 minutes to go around a few times and took a nap but no length was given for each task. Gotenks took approximately 1 minute to get to Buu's house from wherever he was with Piccolo. The furthest he could have possibly been was half way across the world. If Buu lives EXACTLY halfway around the world (furthest it could ever be) he's 900 times slower than light (circles Earth 7.5 times per second).

Goku is slower and weaker than every form of Gotenks except base. SS Gotenks is stronger than SS3 Goku. Ultimate Gohan is stronger than SS3 Gotenks. SS Gotenks kept up with Super Buu. SS3 Gotenks demolished Super Buu. Ultimate Gohan demolished Super Buu. Goku said that himself and Vegeta couldn't beat Super Buu.

DBZ characters do not have infinite potential. The Old Kai said that he would unlock all of Gohans power in the Buu Saga. Gohan was stated to always be stronger than Goku and had more potential. Gohan with his potential unlocked is as strong as Gohan could ever be. Goku can never ever get stronger than Gohan in that state without outside interference like fusion or something.

Super Buu 3 with Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo absorbed couldn't stop Vegeta and Goku from having a conversation filled with pauses and Vegeta thinking and bytching. Buu took a while to get them and Goku even commented on Buu approaching fast. If Buu was light speed they wouldn't have been able to talk at all.

Super Buu 3>>>>>Super Buu 2>>>Ultimate Gohan>>>SS3 Gotenks>>>SS Gotenks=Super Buu>>>>SS3 Goku

Gotenks is 900 times slower than light. Super Buu 3 is way slower than the speed of light. Goku is weaker and slower than both. Goku ain't shyt.

This is all a crock of shyt. Srs.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012


Mr Bubbles

May 2, 2012
Los Angeles
BTW Blazo, where did you get that bullshyt from? I want to laugh at whoever made it. They ignored canon when it suited them and used it when it suited them. Called GT non-canon in the beginning and then used it in the end.