Francis White
i been away to long, my feeling died.
Let’s stop. Bayley doesn’t have it. She blew her feud by not stepping up the intensity. You can’t pin that on Alexa. Alexa grabbed the brass ring and never let go. Bayley could not handle the spotlight. She is on a lower tier to Sasha, Alexa and Asuka.I am very biased but I think the WWE had a chance to make Sasha a light verison of the Rock during his peak. The colorful, charismtic bad guy that everyone loved. Following the revolution she was the hottest female wrestler in the company and was getting Daniel Bryan reaction when she wasn’t in matches.
Sadly she has been passed over but Alexa. Rumor is Sasha doesn’t have the best attitude but its interesting how the white blonde is getting the run that Sasha hasn’t gotten yet to date. How much more over would Nia be if Sasha was the champ using Nia as back-up and they ran back the Diesel/Shawn Angle. How much more would Bailey matter if she couldn’t get over the hump because she wasn’t willing to cross the line to beat her former bff.
Also think Casero had the potential to be a legit title contender/upper card mainstay based purely on ring work and crowd reaction. But he hasn’t ‘grabbed the proverbial brass ring’ whatever that means.