I see NO ONE as of yet has given a solid argument on how Garvey SUCCESSFULLY helped/influence AAs compared to what MLK was doing.
All I hear is "without Garvey we will not have Malcolm!" or "Stop underrating Garvey!"
Garvey had 4 millipn followers(source?)? Cool. Now show me Garvey's poor people campaign for AAs. Or how he was able to get many upon many legislations passed.
This IS a competition because the thread is about "who is GOAT leader." Garvey is easily disqualified because he is not AA. Not only that his influence is weak on in AA histoty.compared to MLK.
This is all facts.
MLK was the same one who said he was leading his people into a burning house.
Garvey was succeeding at the one thing that people bytch and complain about now INFRASTRUCTURE and SELF SUFFICIENCY.
Garvey had 4 million followers, use google. Source is Wiki, Biography.com or anywhere on the internet. It's a known fact.
In August 1920, U.N.I.A. claimed 4 million members and held its first International Convention at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
NY, is in America Right... so selling out MSG full of AA's, is void because he was born in Jamaica. Hmmmm yeah ok.
No internet or TV back then, remember that.
"The New Negro Has No FEAR!"
The UNIA was primarily a back to Africa Movement. But they also set up
independent black manufacturing factories and trade routes. He bargained us our own land in Africa. No one can compare. He was trying to empower our people.
How can getting blacks on a bus compare to that?
Lets talk about that bus thing, Rosa Parks right? A major reason she decided to not get off the bus was Garvey lol... Rosa's grandparents were in the UNIA, she was a follower of Garvey, her parents fought the Klan inspired by MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY.
We shoulda stuck with what Garvey was trying to do, now it's too late. Because he didnt want to sit on the front of any bus, he wanted to have his own fukking bus.
MLK aint never have that type of juice. I respect MLK tho. But there is a reason he has a statue in Washington.
LMAO @ Garvey is disqualified because he isnt AA? none of us are AA, we're all black... that was the entire point of what Garvey was trying to say... hence the red, black and green flag.
Ya'll still fixated on this idea that somehow this country will allow you in. And MLK represents that hope to ya'll, but when we keep it real the black man has two choices at this point, leave and start over or just accept that you are a permanent underclass in society. Garvey saw that 100 years ago and fought for us to be able to be TRULY FREE. Not fake FREE...
Garvey is the GOAT.