Sorry but you can't "Bron haters
" your way outta this, this ain't about PPG or who's GOAT. You're out of jurisdiction for this talk.
Truthfully, if we're being 100, your white ass shouldn't have ran in here in the first place. Unless it's to admit to your people happily getting paid off the backs of blacks while providing little or supporting opposite politics that hold blacks back.
Anyway, like I said in the Nichols thread, LeBron and his people knew all along who & what this guy is. He helped LeBron salvage and build an even bigger empire after he sat live in front of them kids and threw Cleveland under the bus.
None of it means that LeBron's outspokenness on things isn't genuine, just understand what LeBron is willing to surround himself with to get to where he wants to be. Which makes him no different than any other entertainer, the only mistake was thinking dude is different. Same playbook Hov did with Tidal, "you're supporting black business supporting Tidal" then the pics dropped of Tidal's all white offices. This was just the audio version of that.