Jackson LeRoy Briggs
You think you bad? You ain't bad!
I mean like...below the levels of say..the Justice League...the Avengers & Blue and Gold Xmen...and below Spiderman and Batman (and their respective gallery of rouges)
Guys like Mr. Terrific...human tornado...Guardian...Captain Marvel...Captain Marvel...Guardians of the Galaxy...Green Lantern Corps (not the core team..the free agents like guy gardner)
who has a better deep roster?

Marvel's been giving their C-listers love longer in the modern age I think, so I'd give it to them overall. People can name a decent amount of B/C list X-Men if you give 'em some time.
but DC has come out of their shell with some of their B/C listers lately, for better or worse. shyt, Guy Gardner's running shyt in Red Lanterns and Aquaman has TWO books on shelves for like the first time in...history