And by native american I am referring to all of America, not just north America. By African American I would include all enslaved African within the diaspora.
In the left corner we have the native american, whose conquered lands we live on and call home. Untold millions of whom were killed and forcefully relocated to make room for the early settlers. The lasting effect of this are generations of alcoholics living on reservations. Let's not forget them being one of the first major victims to biological warfare. How many millions were killed with blankets infected with smallpox? How can we forget the cruelty of Hernando Cortez, who enslaved natives to extract gold. Whose men would test the sharpness of their weapons by slicing women and children in half. How about the forgotten tribes of the Arawak and Taino, who were wiped out in the name of Christ. That ain't even the half of it
In the right corner we have the Negro. Who was forcefully taken from their homeland of Africa and enslaved in cotton and sugar cane plantations for hundred of years. Who were packed like sardines in ships and transported like cattle. How many millions died during the middle passages? A people who were stripped of their name and religion and given new ones. Women ripped from their children to be sold as cattle. Forced to work countless hours and fed the unedible parts of animals, like the intestines, tongue and tail. After hundreds of years of torture, rape and abuse are finally given "freedom", only to be treated as second class citizens and forced into a race where the other runners were given a 400 year head start
I'm generalizing a bit, but the point is who had it worse? And why?
In the left corner we have the native american, whose conquered lands we live on and call home. Untold millions of whom were killed and forcefully relocated to make room for the early settlers. The lasting effect of this are generations of alcoholics living on reservations. Let's not forget them being one of the first major victims to biological warfare. How many millions were killed with blankets infected with smallpox? How can we forget the cruelty of Hernando Cortez, who enslaved natives to extract gold. Whose men would test the sharpness of their weapons by slicing women and children in half. How about the forgotten tribes of the Arawak and Taino, who were wiped out in the name of Christ. That ain't even the half of it

In the right corner we have the Negro. Who was forcefully taken from their homeland of Africa and enslaved in cotton and sugar cane plantations for hundred of years. Who were packed like sardines in ships and transported like cattle. How many millions died during the middle passages? A people who were stripped of their name and religion and given new ones. Women ripped from their children to be sold as cattle. Forced to work countless hours and fed the unedible parts of animals, like the intestines, tongue and tail. After hundreds of years of torture, rape and abuse are finally given "freedom", only to be treated as second class citizens and forced into a race where the other runners were given a 400 year head start

I'm generalizing a bit, but the point is who had it worse? And why?