How long u been doin this 4, op. This will make u sick of movies real quick. I used to be kinda like u. I'd timer record the vcr all the shyt I'd want to see, fill that tape up quick, then take it all in. I had hbo, shotime, TMC and cinemax, so I was
Then I got sick of movies cus I seen it all already, errything is just a rehash now. Plus I realised just how uncreative corny and unintelligent cacs really are, so none of what they do is shyt to me.
It went from
, which is the stage u r in now, seeing new stories, ideas, situations and actors in erry flick.
when there are so many wack plots and shyt actors.
, I won't even give movies a try anymore, I've seen all I need to see.
When it becomes routine to feel relieved when it's finally over, or have to look up the plot online because u stopped paying attn during the flick, then u know it's time to move on. I went from a film buff to a movie watcher only when girls forced me to, to an antimovie nikka. Not even hoes could make me sit with them thru bs now, and it causes arguments like fukk. But I aint givin in