Everybody can’t be heel, Sasha works better as a heel as does Bayley, that’s 3 of the top women on one brand. Out of the three Bianca portrays a face the best. Not to mention before Nikki Cross every world champion was heel besides Bianca.
Whether you feel she serves better as heel or face she’s still doing a good job and is looking like a top face in the whole company right now. I don’t see how she is personally overrated or see any indication of the masses feeling that way. She gets huge reactions in live shows and the only people I ever see criticizing her calling her overrated are a vocal minority of white boys online who don’t “get it”
Say what you want regarding the booking and build of her storylines which is out of her control.. but mic wise, character portrayal wise, and in ring wise she has hit it all out of the park and I don’t see how she’s overrated in that aspect because that would imply that there’s several people who would do better than her in the same position which isn't true.
All of that and it still doesn’t change the fact that I’m entitled to my opinion

The question asked which of the 3 and I gave my answer. Don’t be so sensitive just because my opinion isn’t the same as yours.
If she isn’t clicking for me as a character, then she just isn’t. Your comments and complaints aren’t going to change that